
2nd Apr 2023

​The Lone Ranger and Tonto

The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep.Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, "Kemo Sabe, look towards …

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2nd Apr 2023

Happy Easter from PPEmpire

By PPEmpireThe Father, the Word, the Holy Ghost. Queeds Most High. Jesus was a long haired-hippy, who wore sandals and beads, hung out with a ho and twelve freaks. Jesus would openly mock the Chu …

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2nd Apr 2023

15 Foods that Boost the Immune System

Feeding your body certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. If you're looking for ways to prevent winter colds and the flu, your first step should be a visit to your local grocery store.& …

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