
27th Sep 2022

Roger Waters brands Biden ‘war criminal’

PPEmpire: Biden is responsible for the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and part of Syria. Biden has enabled Saudi Arabia's attacks on Yemen. Ukranie's atta …

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26th Sep 2022

"Hell Is For Children"

How many times have you heard that it use to be okay to spank kids in class with a ruler or a paddle? And how many times have you heard that all of the world's problems started when they made it illeg …

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21st Sep 2022

How to Take Back Our Elections

Viruses, drug overdoses, mass shootings, inflation, starvaton, lay-offs and as always, more war. The insatiable war machine, the military industial complex needs our children. No matter who's in the W …

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7th Sep 2022

America's War on China

China does not want a war with the US. The US, however, is continually provoking China by using Taiwan as its scapegoat. The US Navy announced that two warships will be traveling through the Taiwan St …

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