
2nd Aug 2022

USA and Torture: A History of Hypocrisy

“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime m …

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20th Jul 2022

A Glitch in the Matrix The End is Nigh….?

The incomes of the wealthiest Americans these past 50 years has been flat-out unearned and undeserved. It is the largest case of redistribution of wealth in this nation's history with the exception of …

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20th Jul 2022

You Say That You Want a Revolution

You say you support the U.S. Constitution, yet you only know one amendment the Second. Our problem is NOT gun control it's the control of our government through lobbyist. To regain control of our gove …

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18th Jul 2022

J-6 "Bay of Pigs" or "Helter Skelter"

Trump worked with Rudy Giuliani in New York in the 1980's to bust the New York mafia, don't you remember? And then Trump went undercover in the '90's to help the FBI bust the Russian mafia, don't …

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17th Jul 2022

Biden's Military Budget 2023

By Andre DamonOn Monday, the White House announced the largest US military budget in American history, focused overwhelmingly on preparations to fight a war with Russia and China.The budget proposes s …

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