
19th Oct 2023


By C. RiceInstead of mounting a rescue operation following Hamas abduction of hostages. Israel went straight to bombing Gaza. You would think that by now people wouldn't put too much blind faith …

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17th Oct 2023

Biden of Israel

By ElderOfZionMarch 21 1980: Sen. Joseph Biden (D.Del.) declared that Begin seriously underestimates the resentment of the American people over new settlements” and “the Begin government is …

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9th Oct 2023

Who Is the ANTI-Christ?

WHO IS THE ANTI-CHRIST? An arrogant world dictator who will commit the abomination of desolation by proclaiming himself to be God.And the bible reveals, the Antichrist will be the most arrogant i …

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9th Oct 2023

Attack Israel

NationalInterest: Israel has many vulnerabilities to domino-style attacks, according to a new report.The plan includes a series of attacks, inside Israel.The worst genocide of the Jewish people is abo …

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