20th Jul 2022

A Glitch in the Matrix The End is Nigh….?

The incomes of the wealthiest Americans these past 50 years has been flat-out unearned and undeserved. It is the largest case of redistribution of wealth in this nation's history with the exception of the original redistribution of land from the Native Americans and the wealth gained through the use of slavery. It is a redistribution of wealth from the middle-class and working poor to the super-rich. Value created by working Americans, and indeed by workers around the world, has been taxed away from the working class, not by the government, but by capital owners.

READ MORE: America an oligarchy? (The Guardian)

This redistribution of wealth is at the heart of the economic problems in America today, it is the root cause of the housing crisis, it is the root cause of the rise in household debt over the past few decades, it is the root cause of funding problems for Social Security and Medicare, and it is most definitely the root cause of the corruption of the American political system. As the middle-class becomes relatively less wealthy the middle-class loses political power. Income and wealth inequality always coincide with political corruption and power inequality. Not only have the wealthy, empowered by the Reagan Revolution, stolen value produced by the working class over the past 50 years, but they have taken the political power away from the middle-class as well in the process, and this is Ronald Reagan's true legacy, and it remains to be seen if America can survive the harvest of what Reagan sowed.

READ MORE: The Reagan Tax Cuts — A Failure for Workers (Inside Sources)

American's are over twenty five trillion dollars in debt and want to celebrate the fourth of July. Now just imagine if you had a neighbor who was in debt up to his eyeballs with no means to pay his debts but told you he was going to Vegas for the weekend to celebrate?

So yeah let us celebrate- celebrate twenty five trillion dollars of debt. Celebrate an education system that ranks 29th out of 33 industrialized nations. Celebrate the cesspool we must live in day in and day out. And celebrate a two party system full of crooks and criminals.

READ MORE: U.S. students’ academic achievement still lags that of their peers in many other countries (Pew Research)

Our government, the one you voted for, has failed to protect the weakest amongst us. No one in America is safe. Every person in Congress, the Senate, the White house should resign effectively immediately because our national security includes the ability to provide basic protections to the people of America but the republicans and democrats cannot even do that.

READ MORE: US ranks lower than 38 other countries when it comes to children's wellbeing, new report says (CNN News)

FACT: THE SUPER RICH (with help from the political class) STOLE $30 TRILLION FROM YOU and ME and have NOTHING and I mean NOTHING to show for it, they can't fix the roads or win a war. And yet, now they want four more years, HOW'S THAT VOTING WORKED SO FAR??

Republicans, led by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, announced right after the tax cuts they were going after Social Security and Medicare next. Making the rich richer by taking on new public debt and cutting benefits is a top priority for them. The tax cuts are not paying for themselves, and federal income continues to fall as a percentage of GDP. 

We now live in a country in which both political parties have been bought and paid for by the elites especially the corporate elites. We have a bottom 1/3rd of our citizens including working men and women who now live in poverty because our wages for hourly paid workers have not increased by much since the 1970s. We have a healthcare system that is now totally FOR PROFIT in which insurers can deny life saving treatment including treatment for kids and we have people who are going bankrupt to pay the outrageous costs of healthcare in America trying in a desperate attempt to save their credit rating from tanking from not paying their debt. We now have more people unemployed and in devastating debt that most will never pay off than we did during the Great Depression. Our disguised unemployment rate in actuality is probably 4 to 5 times higher than we're led to believe simply because we do not count folks who have simply stopped looking for work.

Many moons ago a young Senator from Chicago claimed that the bulk of his campaign contributions were coming from small individual donors, "little old ladies all across the land." Is exactly what we were told, right? I asked a simple question back then and was quickly banned from publishing anywhere on the internet.

I asked why other so-called reporters, you know the respected ones, I asked why they hadn't fact checked the Senators claims at OpenSecrets.org because by law a candidate must report where his contributions are coming from. Obama's as it turned out, really came from Wall Street banks like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs, those were Obama's main campaign contributors but no one would tell you the truth. Consequently when you walked into the voting booth expecting sweeping change all you got was more of the same.

Michelle Obama: "George W. Bush is 'my partner in crime' and 'I love him to death' (USA Today)

But what is done is done. And what it is, is all that it is. So now you fell for the same BS again. A failed land / casino developer turned failed reality TV host starts claiming that Obama is not from Hawaii but an alien from another planet subject to deportation and you guys elect this nut job to run the country. 

READ MORE: Donald Trump's History of Raising Birther Questions About President Obama (ABC News) and Trump Sends Investigators to Hawaii (Fox News)

Trump claimed he would not accept corporate money and then took all that he could get his hands on but mostly from the private prison industries and the NRA. And as soon as Trump gets elected he fills his cabinet with Wall Street bankers and billionaires, surprise, surprise, surprise.

READ MORE: The Ultimate Donald Trump Mystery That Couldn’t Be Solved Before Election Day (Forbes) 

READ MORE: From Coalition for American Veterans: On January 22nd, Lloyd Austin assumed office as the 28th Secretary of Defense of the United States. “Lloyd Austin had pledged to liquidate his Raytheon holdings ‘as soon as practicable but not later than 90 days after my confirmation,’” according to Big League Politics. But by February, Austin was not yet divested, and Raytheon scored a big contract from the Pentagon. Big League noted, “A new $49 million contract was awarded to Raytheon last week, just weeks after the company’s former board member Lloyd Austin was confirmed as the new Secretary of Defense. 

READ MORE: Mark Esper, former Raytheon weapons lobbyist, is in charge of the Pentagon (Citizens for Ethics) The man in charge of the Pentagon, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, spent years as Raytheon’s top lobbyist before joining the Trump administration.

The Trump-GOP tax law enacted in December 2017 creates clear incentives for American-based corporations to move operations and jobs abroad, including a zero percent tax rate on many profits generated offshore.

The Trump administration handed out $425 BILLION in federal contracts to companies who are sending jobs overseas.

All the while the gullible American voter keeps screaming that he won't get fooled again and Donald Trump is a real man of the people. Yeah, sorta like the Anti-Christ, with his own cult following of pedophiles, religious nuts, doomsayers and skin heads. Watching the pied piper bumble along with no destination or strategy in his empty head but to attack anyone and everything, is like watching a drunk swing his fist about. Like watching the death of an empire flailing about like a fish out of water. But it's easy to deceive when you own the media. Trump's best trick has been to pretend that there is a war on between him and the press, what a hoot. The mainstream media licks Donald's boots. Get your facts straight, there's never been a larger psyop ran against the American people than what is happening right now.

So wait, you actually believe that Donald was able to get all the leaks and hacks out during the campaign against Hillary. But Hillary couldn't get anything out during the campaign, about Stormy Daniels, Playboy models, illegitimate children, Russian collusion and yet you believe that the media is at war with Donald right? Like Mel Carter says, gimme a break.

Slow and dumb democrats with visions dancing in their dead heads of Trump family going to prison and/or kicked out of politics BUT never doing anything to make it happen. Have you never seen a horror flick? When you don't kill the monster it comes back worse than before, ya' know like 2024!

READ MORE: Trump Says Decision to Run in 2024 Is 'Already Made' and Now He's Weighing When to Announce Candidacy (People)

For all of you dumb sons of bitches that think Trump & family are going to prison, answer me this: WHY are BUSH & CHENEY STILL FREE? Because you're a big fat pussy that won't do a damn thing even when your own leaders are fucking WAR CRIMINALS.

The government claims to have provided $6 trillion in relief since the pandemic started BUT where is it? Where did all of that money go? Can you see $6 trillion anywhere? New cars, new buildings, do your neighbors have new clothes? Credit cards all paid off? WHERE DID $6 trillion go?

READ MORE: At least 18 billionaires got federal stimulus checks, report says (CBS News)

READ MORE: The CARES Act Sent You a $1,200 Check but Gave Millionaires and Billionaires Far More (ProPublica)

U.S. policy (includes tax policy, financial deregulation, trade policy, anti-labor policy and much more) for the past 50 years has been aggressively dedicated to shifting income share away from the poor and middle class and into the pockets of the already rich.

READ MORE: Here’s How Much the COVID-19 Stimulus Will Cost You (National Review)

READ MORE: Millionaires to reap 80% of benefit from tax change in US coronavirus stimulus (The Guardian)

America's NOT capitalist! Farm, auto, bank BAILOUTS, QE, crony capitalism, tax cuts for profitable corporations, deregulating polluters, subsidies for the super rich and that was BEFORE the VIRUS that is NOT capitalism is it? HELL NO, it is WELFARE FOR THE RICH!

READ MORE: It’s Time to Get Billionaires Off of Welfare (Time)

READ MORE: How America’s Wealthy Often Become the Biggest Welfare Recipients (The Daily Signal)

The Republicans and democrats are crooks and criminals who use the ballot box to hold onto power. America is being looted by war profiteers and promise makers. 

What can we the people possibly do to return America to a functioning Republic with three branches of government?

Voting got us into this mess. Voting sure as he'll won't get us out of it.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold to these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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