9th Jun 2022

A Public Service Announcement / Know Your Rights

This is a public service announcement from the Underground:

To some of you the problems are obvious but too many of you are totally oblivious. What is worse than that is the solutions offered have solved nothing. The old ways do not work anymore so let's examine why and what our options are.

When the Supreme court granted citizenship to corporations it should have been obvious that we the people lost one branch of government to corruption. With the legal authority granted by the Supreme court to corporations to buy our political process the foxes were in the hen house, and we lost another branch of government to corruption.

Today, people still believe that the corporations will allow us to vote our way out of this mess, but we just lost the third and last branch of government. Meaning we no longer have a government of the people, for the people and by the people. We can't even get term limits. Corrupt American politicians gerrymander voting districts to stay in office like royalty.

Wells Fargo and Bank of America were recently busted laundering money for (Mexican) drug cartels and defrauding their own depositors, but no one was charged. What kind of sentence would you or me be facing with similar charges? BofA and Wells Fargo received a slap on the wrist, a fine. A fine that may be overturned by another court.

So now the corporations have bought off our legal system. The same US legal system that locks up more of its own citizens than any other country on the planet. Don't be poor in America and get caught jaywalking because a cop might put a bullet in your back and call it self-defense. The so-called liberal media will support the cop's version of events or lose tons of revenue from the very city it serves.

Now the corporations have bought the Supreme court, our politicians and our legal system. And their greed seems to know no bounds. Now they are coming for your social security, Obamacare, Medi-Care, retirement, 401k, pensions and your home by raising interest rates. They have borrowed on our children's future and gambled away our surplus, leaving us in astronomical debt.

What's next? Do you remember what happens when big government gets into bed with big business? It's always the same. They breed fascism, look it up, it's a fact. Like mixing black and white will always make grey. I have no reason to make things up. People like me will be rounded up and executed. Fascism has no room for criticism, it will consume everything around it until there is nothing left.

We the people are ill prepared for such brute force and violence. And so, the people will simply do as they are told, as they have always done while hoping for better days. Do not deceive yourselves about a people's uprising because it will never materialize. The government is forced to respond to every peaceful demonstration with police in riot gear with military grade equipment at the ready.

Protesting is futile. Direct actions disrupt and cause monetary damages, but the pain is short lived, and nothing changes. Voting has led to the continuation of one corrupt party or the other. We have voted out the whole top tier of the US government and yet the thugs and criminals are still there, still in power, as brutal as ever.

What can we the people possibly do to return America to a functioning Republic with three branches of government? DO NOT believe your corporate masters that everyone who hates Trump loves Hillary and vice versa, NO your whole fucking system is corrupt, and you have been divided and conquered because you're that fucking stupid.

Before the White Man came, the men of the tribe went hunting and fishing all day, the women cleaned and cooked. The water was safe to drink, the air was clean, the medicine man was free, and no one had any debt. Only the White Man would think that he could improve on a system like that.


We will lose more unless we turn away from democracy that is the direct road to disaster — and restore our Constitutional Republic. The Declaration of Independence document declares that we have a right to abolish a government that no longer serves our needs.

How's that Second Amendment working out for you anyways? Did it stop greedy corporations from moving your jobs overseas? Did it stop the politicians in both parties from selling out to special interest, lobbyist or overseas dark money? THEN WHAT GOOD ARE OUR RIGHTS ANYWAYS??

Republicans and Democrats support the failed DRUG WAR, support POLICE BRUTALITY, support tax cuts for the super-rich, support deficit spending, support wars overseas, support military industrial complex, support polluters, support corporate financing of our elections. ARE you dumb enough to support this too?

America's NOT capitalist! Farm, auto, bank BAILOUTS, QE, crony capitalism, tax cuts for profitable corporations, deregulating polluters, subsidies for the super-rich and that was BEFORE the VIRUS! That is NOT capitalism, is it? HELL NO, it is WELFARE FOR THE RICH!

Here are the top 10 examples of corporate welfare and welfare for the rich:

1. State and local subsidies to corporations: An excellent New York Times study by Louise Story calculated that state and local government provide at least $80 billion in subsidies to corporations. Over 48 big corporations received over $100 million each. GM was the biggest, at a total of $1.7 billion extracted from 16 different states, but Shell, Ford and Chrysler all received over $1 billion each. Amazon, Microsoft, Prudential, Boeing and casino companies in Colorado and New Jersey received well over $200 million each. 

2. Direct federal subsidies to corporations: The Cato Institute estimates that federal subsidies to corporations cost taxpayers almost $100 billion every year.

3. Federal tax breaks for corporations: The tax code gives corporations special tax breaks that have reduced what is supposed to be a 35-percent tax rate to an actual tax rate of 13 percent, saving these corporations an additional $200 billion annually, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office.

4. Federal tax breaks for wealthy hedge fund managers: Special tax breaks for hedge fund managers allow them to pay only a 15-percent rate while the people they earned the money for usually pay a 35-percent rate. This is the break where the multimillionaire manager pays less of a percentage in taxes than her secretary. The National Priorities Project estimates this costs taxpayers $83 billion annually, and 68 percent of those who receive this special tax break earn more than $462,500 per year (the top 1 percent of earners).

5. Subsidies to the fast-food industry: Research by the University of Illinois and UC Berkeley documents that taxpayers pay about $243 billion each year in indirect subsidies to the fast-food industry because they pay wages so low that taxpayers must put up $243 billion to pay for public benefits for their workers.

6. Mortgage deduction: The home mortgage deduction, which costs taxpayers $70 billion per year, is a huge subsidy to the real estate, banking and construction industries. The Center of Budget and Policy Priorities estimated that 77 percent of the benefit goes to homeowners with incomes over $100,000 per year.

7. The billions above do not even count the government bailout of Wall Street, while all parties have done their utmost to tell the public that they did not need it, that they paid it back, or that it was a great investment. The Atlantic Monthly estimates that $7.6 trillion was made available by the Federal Reserve to banks, financial firms and investors. The Cato Institute estimates (using government figures) the final costs at $32 to $68 billion, not including the takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which alone cost more than $180 billion.

8. Each major piece of legislation contains new welfare for the rich and corporations. The Boston Globeanalyzed the emergency tax legislation passed by Congress in early 2013 and found it contained 43 business and energy tax breaks, together worth $67 billion.

9. Huge corporations that engage in criminal or other wrongful activities protect their leaders from being prosecuted by paying huge fees or fines to the government. You and I would be prosecuted. These corporations protect their bosses by paying off the government. For example, Reuters reported that JPMorgan Chase, which made a preliminary $13-billion mortgage settlement with the U.S. government, is allowed to write off a majority of the deal as tax deductible, saving the corporation $4 billion.

10. There are thousands of smaller special breaks for corporations and businesses out there. There is a special subsidy for corporate jets, which cost taxpayers $3 billion a year. The tax deduction for second homes costs $8 billion a year. Fifty billionaires received taxpayer-funded farm subsidies in the past 20 years.

U.S. policy (includes tax policy, financial deregulation, trade policy, anti-labor policy and much more) for the past 50 plus years has been aggressively dedicated to shifting income share away from the poor and middle class and into the pockets of the already rich.


Do you know the history of taxes? There was a time that there was no tax. But gradually, it became the norm. At first, taxes were imposed on people in times of war to aid the defense. But governments fell in love with the idea and made it permanent. 

Taxes have also been a tool to fool naive people. When governments want to raise taxes, they always begin by saying that the taxes are for the rich. Nobody ever admits that it is the poor and working-class that will pay it. So when this “tax the rich” idea is sold to the people, they support it. But when the legislation is being drafted, the rich use their connections to include some loopholes.

Regular working-class people get paid wages, salary, income, etc. The rich don’t get paid anything like that. Whenever you hear things like income taxes, just know that it is not touching the rich.

Whenever you hear people say that they are going to make the rich pay more taxes, just know that you are talking to a novice in the game. First, you need to understand that the rich have no allegiance to any country. When you have hundreds of millions of dollars, virtually every country is opened to you as long as you are not a criminal.

If a country says they are going to frustrate the rich in their country, the rich will simply move their money elsewhere. This is why there are Swiss banks and places like the Cayman Islands. After all, the money belongs to them and not the government.

The rich have options. They can put their money anywhere they want to. To ensure that their interests are protected, the rich finance political candidates. There have been several cases in history where the rich overturn political elections.

The rich are not recognized by the tax system as individuals. This is why they have no income. And this is why they pay zero taxes. Since the rich already enjoy all, they want from life out of the company expenses, the tax on their profit will only affect the future of their business and not their own lifestyle. READ MORE: Richest Americans pay almost no income taxes, report finds (NBC News)

FACT: THE SUPER RICH STOLE $30 TRILLION FROM YOU and ME and have NOTHING to show for it! They can't fix the roads or win a war. 

Capitalism for the poor and socialism for the wealthy. The rich get richer, and the poor get children. The U.S. oligarchs get the public investment and privatize the profits They get to write our laws, bribe officials to pass those laws, seat conservative judges to uphold those laws. Crash the economy and get the taxpayer bailout(s).

The Republicans and democrats are crooks and criminals who use the ballot box to hold onto power. America is being looted by war profiteers and promise makers. In America the police will lock you up and or blacklist or shadow-ban you FOR TELLING THE TRUTH! So that you will never work again and then call it free speech. How’s that Constitution working out for Edward Snowden or Colin Kaepernick? READ MORE: Some US Spies Are Saying They Would Love To Kill Edward Snowden (Business Insider) "In a world where I would not be restricted from killing an American, I personally would go and kill him myself," a current NSA analyst told BuzzFeed. "A lot of people share this sentiment."

TRUTH to POWER: You are naive the US military has never protected the USA or the Constitution not once. On 9/11 the military did not scramble one fighter jet. The military did kill four student protesters in Ohio but never protected my rights once while they were trampled on by my bosses, landlords, teachers, judges and police. They won’t even let you kneel uh I mean protest. You are forced to pledge to the imperialist and war mongers. You must pledge to racism, sexism, ageism, war profiteering, police brutality because you wouldn’t want to offend the baby killing troops, right? READ MORE: Where Is Outcry Over Children Killed by U.S.-Led Forces? (Scientific America) Since 9/11, U.S.-led forces have killed—directly, not indirectly--more than a thousand children in Syria and other war zones around the world. 

$770 billion

Since no one in the mainstream media had the balls to cover this I got this information from Wikipedia: It's also available from the government: In May 2021, the President's defense budget request for fiscal year 2022 (FY2022) is $715 billion, up $10 billion, from FY2021's $705 billion.[8] The total FY2022 defense budget request, including the Department of Energy, is $753 billion, up $12 billion from FY2021's budget request.[8][9] On 22 July 2021 the Senate Armed Services Committee approved a budget $25 billion greater than the President's defense budget request for FY2022.[10][11] The National Defense Authorization Act, budgeting $740 billion for defense, was signed 27 December 2021. As of 4 April 2022 the FY2023 presidential budget request of $773 billion included $177.5 billion for the Army,[5] $194 billion for the Air Force and Space Force,[6] and $230.8 billion for the Navy and Marine Corps (up 4.1% from FY2022 request).


Before documenting that many trillions of dollars in U.S. Government military spending have been and are unaccounted-for, and that by far the most corrupt U.S. federal Department is the ‘Defense’ Department, it is important to document here, by means of the links that will be provided in this article, that, at least after the 9/11 event, the most respected institution in America has been and is the military, and so there exists in the United States a profoundly deceived public, which is a reflection of America’s having also a thoroughly corrupt national press or ‘news’-media, a U.S. press that is controlled by the same group of individuals who control the ‘defense’ contractors such as Lockheed Martin — the firms that derive all or almost all of their incomes from sales to the U.S. Government and to its allied governments. In other words: the U.S. is controlled by a racket.

Everybody knows that when the U.S military kills women and children at a wedding reception what happens? The military budget is increased. And when there's another school / mass shooting what happens? The police budget is increased, and they hire more police. Then it happens again because we're not protected and then what happens? Their budget is increased. They get more money.

Kaepernick's protest was about police brutality, not about the U.S. military. But if you want to make it about the military we can. Where was the military on 9/11 while America was being attacked for over two hours? Where was the U.S. military when San Bernardino, California was attacked by ISIS? Or Pearl Harbor, I'll tell you where, nowhere to be found, just like the police when you need them. They only show up after the fact to draw chalk lines around the victims/dead bodies. But please do not believe me just ask the children at Uvalde Elementary School.


American taxpayers pay ten times more than any other nation on earth for our military and no one in America is safe. Americans must sleep with a gun under their pillow. Bars on their windows. Concealed carry permit to go outside. Car alarms, Ring security cameras, guard dogs, mace, tasers on and on. And yet there are more rapes, more murders, more crime in America than anywhere else in the world. In America one in every three women are raped. In the U.S. military they even rape each other. Do you really want to make this about the military? Because I have a lot of photos of detainees being sexually assaulted and tortured by the U.S. military. Hum, the U.S. military is sounding a lot like the U.S. police force, that could be because many people who leave the military join the police. But let's not get off track with your misinformation that's meant to confuse and skirt the issues.

If free speech is not protected, what good is it?

Kaepernick, who began his career with the San Francisco 49ers in 2011, has been effectively blacklisted by the NFL since the 2017 season in response to the national anthem protests, he began during the 2016 season.

In 2012, Kaepernick’s second season, he replaced the injured starting quarterback of the 49ers and led San Francisco to the Super Bowl.

This time, it was in Seattle, and there was none of the hemming and hawing about Kaepernick’s numbers not being good enough or his playstyle not being the right fit for the offense. No, instead, an NFL source told ESPN’s Adam Schefter that Seahawks officials cancelled Kaepernick’s workout after he refused to commit to ending his kneeling protests during the national anthem during the 2018 season. (Sure enough, on Friday, the Seahawks went ahead and found someone else for the job.)

If exercising your Constitutionally protected rights will get you fired and instead of speaking up you must live in fear of retaliation, then what good are your rights? If you can't work, you can't eat. FACT: You have no rights; they are an illusion. The American dream is only for the very rich and the oligarchs. For the very poor it's a God damn nightmare.

Pro Bowl safety Eric Reid – the first 49ers player to join Kaepernick in his protest in 2016 – was approaching a contract with the Cincinnati Bengals only to be confronted by team owner Mike Brown, who asked him to commit not to kneel during the anthem. Reid declined, and the meeting was over shortly thereafter. Reid, like Kaepernick, remains unsigned.

Republicans and Democrats have DENIED YOU a safe place to live. DENIED YOU a decent education. DENIED YOU affordable housing. Stole over $30 trillion with nothing to show for it. CAN'T fix the HWYS or WIN a war. Now they WANT four more years, are you dumb enough to support this??

Voting got us into this mess. Voting sure as he'll won't get us out of it. Can we please all agree that no good can ever come from voting for the lesser of two evils?

They are building a system of control, a system of oppression. A totalitarian system, the system of the Beast. 

Even when this economy is supposedly doing well, millions of us working stiffs and unemployed working stiffs are a few hundred bucks away from living on the streets. This is just part of the plan to keep most of us as drones to work and die for the Queen Bees of empire.

The police have always protected the property and assets of the rich and not the general public. Watch films like Martin Ritt’s 1970 The Molly Maguires to see the epitome of who owned the police and how they were used to operate as occupiers of coal mining towns. The very inception of the U.S. has been a nation-state engaged racist state-sponsored policies, as in the case of the genocidal policies against the indigenous peoples of North America and the system of slavery, de jure, and post facto racial segregation.

Violence can be seen in the neighborhoods of the oppressed with high rates of unemployment, poverty, police brutality, incarceration. Often, it is also turned inward in the form of collective and individual destruction (e.g., suicide, high rates of alcoholism, drug abuse, et cetera). While they dangle stimulus checks like bait on a fishhook and while you worry over your job if you still have one or how to pay rent if you don't and worry about schools, beaches and shortages.

THEY (the president/congress/senate) ARE LOOTING AMERICA and stealing our future We’ve allowed our country to be taken from us, for the benefit of the few and the total decimation of the vast many. The most recent such IG report makes clear (on page 7 of 74) that “Army and Defense Finance and Accounting Service Indianapolis personnel did not adequately support $2.8 trillion in third quarter adjustments and $6.5 trillion in yearend adjustments made to Army General Fund data during FY 2015 financial statement compilation.” These “adjustments” — a total of $9.3 trillion over the half-year period examined — had been made to prior unacceptable reports but were still failing to explain where the money had gone. LINK: Comptroller Defense Gov 

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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