26th Sep 2022

Biden Crime Family

Military Industrial Complex:

The selection of Joe Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee—the very outcome that was foreshadowed in the first Trump impeachment—represented an intensification of the pro-military focus of the Democratic Party.

This was signaled by Biden’s appointments to high positions at the State Department. For secretary of state, he chose his long-time foreign policy adviser Antony Blinken, who had played a key role in Obama administration policy in Syria in 2013-2014, and in the formulation of the US response to the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, before rising to deputy secretary of state.

Even more significant was Biden’s choice for the third-ranking position at the State Department, deputy secretary for political affairs. Victoria Nuland was notorious as the principal architect of the Maidan coup and a longtime supporter of US military aggression, having served as a top foreign policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney during the Iraq war, as US ambassador to NATO, and then as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top spokesperson, in the course of a 37-year career in the State Department. She is also married to Robert Kagan, longtime neo-conservative strategist most closely identified with the Bush administration’s decision to invade and conquer Iraq.

The Democratic Party has played the central role in preparing a NATO war against Russia over more than a decade. Joe Biden, as a leading Senate voice on foreign policy, as vice president tasked by Obama with running Ukraine policy, and now as president, is deeply implicated in this long-running operation. Now that this policy has produced the war that has long been its goal, America is pressing ahead toward its ultimate aim—the dismemberment of Russia, and the creation of a series of vassal states, dominated by the United States and the European powers—even at the risk of provoking a nuclear war.

Pelosi recently visited Taiwan trying to provoke an attack by China, America is also trying to provoke North Korea to attack South Korea by running continuous live military drills on their borders. America is also trying to provoke Iran to attack Israel by targeted assassinations.

READ MORE: Malaysia’s Mahathir says US seeking to provoke war in Taiwan (AP News) 

“China has allowed Taiwan to remain by itself. No problem. They didn’t invade. If they wanted to invade, they could have invaded. They didn’t. But America is provoking (them) so that there can be a war, so that the Chinese will make the mistake of trying to occupy Taiwan,” the 97-year-old Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said. 

Biden is responsible for the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and part of Syria. Biden has enabled Saudi Arabia's attacks on Yemen. Ukranie's attack on its former Russian provinces and Israel's destruction of Palestine.  

In 1999, during the Kosovo War, Biden supported the 1999 NATO bombing of FR Yugoslavia. He and Senator John McCain co-sponsored the McCain-Biden Kosovo Resolution, which called on Clinton to use all necessary force, including ground troops, to confront Milošević over Yugoslav actions toward ethnic Albanians in Kosovo

Biden was a strong supporter of the War in Afghanistan, saying, "Whatever it takes, we should do it."

In October 2002, he voted in favor of the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq, approving the U.S. invasion of Iraq. As head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he said in 2002 that Iraqi president Saddam Hussein was a threat to national security and there was no other option than to "eliminate" that threat. As chair of the committee, he assembled a series of witnesses to testify in favor of the authorization. They gave testimony grossly misrepresenting the intent, history, and status of Saddam and his secular government, which was an avowed enemy of al-Qaida, and touted Iraq's fictional possession of weapons of mass destruction.

Joe Biden has appointed warmongers, whose attitude to nuclear war is terrifyingly cavalier, to run the Pentagon, the National Security Council and the State Department. 

The aims being pursued increasingly openly by the United States in this war inevitably involve the expansion of the conflict. There is nothing left of the fiction that the United States and NATO are not at war with Russia. In pursuit of regime change, the dismemberment of Russia and the plundering of its vast resources, America is risking nuclear war.

Buckle up buttercup: this article will now follow CIA covert operations down the rabbit hole. The CIA admits to trying to overthrow Castro/Cuba in the infamous Bay of Pigs operation. And the CIA has admitted to overthrowing the democraticaly elected government in Iran and putting the Shah and the secret police in power who were ruthless and corrupt, until they were overthrown in 1979.

Why the Soviet Union Invaded Afghanistan

The CIA admits that the U.S. collaborated with Pakistani and Saudi intelligence to aid the Afghan Mujahadeen.

Wikipedia: The Mujahideen were variously backed primarily by the United States, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, China, and the United Kingdom; the conflict was a Cold War-era proxy war. Between 562,000 and 2,000,000 Afghans were killed and millions more fled the country as refugees, mostly to Pakistan and Iran. Between 6.5%–11.5% of Afghanistan's 1979 population of 13.5 millions is estimated to have perished in the conflict. The war caused grave destruction in Afghanistan, and it has also been cited by scholars as a contributing factor to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.  

PPEmpire: According to a 1998 interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, the CIA's intervention in Afghanistan preceded the 1979 Soviet invasion. This decision of the Carter Administration in 1979 to intervene and destabilize Afghanistan is the root cause of Afghanistan's destruction as a nation.

Pakistan–U.S. relations and rebel aid

Wikipedia: Pakistani President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq's ties with the U.S. had been strained during Jimmy Carter's presidency due to Pakistan's nuclear program and the execution of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in April 1979, but Carter told National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance as early as January 1979 that it was vital to "repair our relationships with Pakistan" in light of the unrest in Iran.

According to former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official Robert Gates, "the Carter administration turned to CIA ... to counter Soviet and Cuban aggression in the Third World, particularly beginning in mid-1979." In March 1979, "CIA sent several covert action options relating to Afghanistan to the SCC [Special Coordination Committee]" of the United States National Security Council. At a 30 March meeting, U.S. Department of Defense representative Walter B. Slocombe "asked if there was value in keeping the Afghan insurgency going, 'sucking the Soviets into a Vietnamese quagmire?'" When asked to clarify this remark, Slocombe explained: "Well, the whole idea was that if the Soviets decided to strike at this tar baby [Afghanistan] we had every interest in making sure that they got stuck." Yet a 5 April memo from National Intelligence Officer Arnold Horelick warned: "Covert action would raise the costs to the Soviets and inflame Moslem opinion against them in many countries. The risk was that a substantial U.S. covert aid program could raise the stakes and induce the Soviets to intervene more directly and vigorously than otherwise intended."

In May 1979, U.S. officials secretly began meeting with rebel leaders through Pakistani government contacts. After additional meetings Carter signed two presidential findings in July 1979 permitting the CIA to spend $695,000 on non-military assistance (e.g., "cash, medical equipment, and radio transmitters") and on a propaganda campaign targeting the Soviet-backed leadership of the DRA, which (in the words of Steve Coll) "seemed at the time a small beginning." 

The Amin government, having secured a treaty in December 1978 that allowed them to call on Soviet forces, repeatedly requested the introduction of troops in Afghanistan in the spring and summer of 1979. They requested Soviet troops to provide security and to assist in the fight against the mujahideen ("Those engaged in jihad") rebels.

Information obtained by the KGB from its agents in Kabul provided that two of Amin's guards killed the former General Secretary Nur Muhammad Taraki with a pillow, and Amin himself was suspected to be a CIA agent.  

The US, Saudi and Chinese aid combined totaled between $6 billion and $12 billion.

In February 1979, the Iranian Revolution ousted the American-backed Shah from Iran, losing the United States as one of its most powerful allies.

Why the Soviet Union Invaded Ukraine 

The mounting confrontation between US-NATO forces and Russia is portrayed by the Biden administration and the American corporate media as entirely the product of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This in turn is attributed to the demonic intentions of one man: Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This rips the Russia-Ukraine war out of its historical context. Most importantly, it conceals the role of the American C.I.A. in preparing and deliberately instigating the conflict. The reactionary war has been seized on to generate a veneer of popular support to the long-prepared US-NATO campaign to overthrow the Putin regime, break up Russia, and reduce it to a semi-colonial status.

PPEmpre: As part of the Ukraine-based training program, CIA paramilitaries taught their Ukrainian counterparts sniper techniques; how to operate U.S.-supplied Javelin anti-tank missiles and other equipment; how to evade digital tracking the Russians used to pinpoint the location of Ukrainian troops, which had left them vulnerable to attacks by artillery; how to use covert communications tools; and how to remain undetected in the war zone while also drawing out Russian and insurgent forces from their positions, among other skills, according to former officials.

After Russia’s 2014 incursion, the U.S. military also helped run a long-standing, publicly acknowledged training program for Ukrainian troops in the country’s western region, far from the frontlines. That program also included instruction in how to use Javelin anti-tank missiles and sniper training.

That program, which began in 2015, also included instruction in firearms, camouflage techniques and covert communications.

When CIA paramilitaries first traveled to eastern Ukraine in the aftermath of Russia’s initial 2014 incursion, their brief was twofold. First, they were ordered to determine how the agency could best help train Ukrainian special operations personnel fight the Russian military forces, and their separatist allies, waging a grinding war against Ukrainian troops in the Donbas region.

But the second part of the mission was to test the mettle of the Ukrainians themselves, according to former officials. The agency needed to determine the “backbone” of the Ukrainians, said a former senior CIA official. The question was, “Are they going to get rolled, or are going to stand up and fight?” recalled the former official.

The Ukrainians, the CIA paramilitaries reported back to their superiors, were indeed ready for battle.

The CIA operatives taught their Ukrainian counterparts the best skills for irregular warfare, said the former senior intelligence official. “We tried to really focus on operational planning, then really hard military skills like long-range marksmanship — not just the capacity to do it, but to know how to do it on a battlefield, to really deplete the leadership on the other side,” said the former senior intelligence official.

NATO is essentially going to war with Russia through a proxy and arming that proxy. War means war.

The proxy war in Ukraine is emerging increasingly openly as a war between Russia and NATO, threatening to spill over into a war throughout the European continent. The United States has worked to systematically destroy any prospect of a peaceful settlement of the war and is instead doing everything to fan the flames to instigate the conflict.

The break-up of the USSR and civil war in Yugoslavia

During the first stages of the collapse and disintegration of the Soviet Union, the two major capitalist parties in the United States were in general agreement on the policy to be pursued in that vast region of the world. The break-up of the USSR was pursued, albeit with some caution, to create the best conditions for American corporations and banks, and to cement US world domination in what was variously described as the “unipolar moment,” and “the end of history.”

The civil war in Yugoslavia, began in 1991, triggered by the recognition by Germany of breakaway regimes in the constituent republics of the Yugoslav federation, first Slovenia, and then Croatia. These declarations of independence left large portions of the Serb population, the largest ethnic group, suddenly minorities in the new states, which were defined by ethnicity.

The US and NATO intervened in support of the anti-Serb factions, backing the Croatian government in a fascistic war against its Serb minority, as well as on the side of the Muslim-dominated government in Bosnia. This culminated in the saturation bombing of Serbia in 1999 after the CIA-backed uprising in Kosovo, spearheaded by the Kosovo Liberation Army, an Albanian nationalist grouping linked to drug-trafficking and outright gangsterism.

Russia was allied with the Serbian regime of Slobodan Milosevic. The NATO air war against Serbia, which included the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, culminated in a confrontation between US and Russian forces at the airport in Pristina, Kosovo.

When the 2004 “Orange Revolution” took place in Ukraine in December 2004—the overturning of the election of pro-Russian presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovych, and the victory of pro-EU and pro-US candidate Viktor Yuschenko in a third round of that year’s elections—the result was hailed by the US political establishment as a triumph of democracy.

But the new regime quickly sank into a mire of corruption and factional infighting between rival groups of capitalist oligarchs, each seeking to profit from the privatization of assets bequeathed by the former Soviet Union. Ukraine had been the second largest constituent republic of the USSR, endowed with rich agricultural resources and significant industrial and public infrastructure, and there was a lot to plunder.

The Maidan “revolution”—a right-wing coup

The occasion for a radical policy shift was provided by Russian intervention into the Syrian civil war. Moscow had long been allied with the Assad regime, which had offered Russia its only military base outside the former Soviet Union, a naval installation at Tartus. Russia supplied Syria with extensive military aid, but no personnel, while the US-backed rebellion intensified, mobilizing Al Qaeda-linked forces, including Islamist militants shipped into the country by the CIA from Libya, where they had served as the ground troops for the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime in 2011. 

On February 22, the right-wing opposition seized power and Yanukovych fled Kiev for exile in Russia, the Western media hailed it as a democratic revolution. In an indication of its real character, the new regime immediately declared Ukrainian the sole national language, although 20 percent of the population speak Russian primarily. The chief rabbi of Kiev urged Jews to leave the city, given the prominence of neo-Nazis in the Maidan uprising.

The response to the coup in Russia was to mobilize military forces, particularly on the borders of eastern Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula, both populated by a majority of Russian speakers. On February 28, pro-Russian militia forces seized control of Crimea, soon joined by Russian troops.

In the midst of these events, the billionaire oligarch controlling the Ukrainian gas firm Burisma, a former official of the Yanukovych regime, took out an insurance policy by hiring the US vice president’s son, Hunter Biden, for a lucrative position on the company’s board of directors. The money grubbing by the younger Biden was part of a “gold rush” to Kiev, as wheeler-dealers, arms traffickers and political charlatans of all descriptions flocked to Ukraine hoping to profit from the new US-backed regime.

After getting the green light from Washington, the Ukrainian government launched a military onslaught in eastern Ukraine, spearheaded by fascist elements such as the Right Sector and the Azov Brigade.

The accession of Biden, Blinken and Nuland was followed by greatly increased aggression on the part of the Ukrainian regime. In February, the Zelensky government shut down three popular television stations run by pro-Russian opposition leader and billionaire Vikto Medvechuk, on the grounds of “national security.” In March, Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council approved a strategy for retaking Crimea, including restoring “full Ukrainian sovereignty” not just over the peninsula, but over the port city of Sevastopol, home of the Russian Navy’s Black Sea fleet.

Zelensky’s long-awaited visit to the United States resulted in a new strategic defense framework agreement signed by Lloyd Austin and Ukrainian Defense Minister Andrei Taran. This laid the basis for the formal signing of the US-Ukrainian Charter on Strategic Partnership, on November 10, 2021, by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

There is little that needs to be added to this historical record. The Democratic Party has played the central role in preparing a NATO war against Russia over more than a decade. Joe Biden, as a leading Senate voice on foreign policy, as vice president tasked by Obama with running Ukraine policy, and now as president, is deeply implicated in this long-running operation. 

The Biden family scheme unravels 

TheSun: Exclusive footage obtained by The Sun shows President Biden's son looking wild-eyed as he takes a hit from what appears to be a crack pipe.

Hunter Biden was filmed smoking drugs in the shower with two hookers who called him their “future baby daddy”.

The White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre this week refused to answer questions about a voicemail found on the laptop which Joe left Hunter in 2018.

The voicemail - in which the president referred to a New York Times article about Hunter's business dealings - potentially undermines Joe's previous claim that he never discussed foreign business deals with his son.

Hunter had been staying in the area on and off to receive treatment from now disgraced psychiatrist Keith Ablow.

NYPost: “On set, a man named Kevin Morris arrived and told us he was working on a documentary exposing Hunter’s corruption,” a tweet from the official “My Son Hunter” site declared. “He told us he was a retired lawyer associated with South Park. We allowed him and his crew to interview us, cast members, and film on our set.”

The film, which is highly critical of Hunter for allegedly selling influence to foreign companies while his father, Joe, was vice president, is produced by husband-and-wife documentarians Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney.

In fact, Morris is a successful lawyer and big-money Democratic Party supporter who has become Hunter Biden’s newest fixer and “sugar brother,” allegedly loaning the president’s son $2 million to help pay off his overdue federal taxes. In addition to the loan, Morris, 58, has become the architect of the legal and media strategy of the president’s beleaguered son. The lawyer, who counts Chris Rock and Matthew McConaughey among his celebrity clients, is also a prolific fiction writer of two novels and a collection of short stories.

Over the past two years, Morris has helped Biden, a self-taught artist, forge a deal to market his paintings, which are priced between $50,000 and $500,000 apiece. Morris has also paid Hunter’s monthly living expenses in Los Angeles, according to the New York Times. The Hollywood attorney even found a high-powered literary agent for Biden, 52, when he was writing “Beautiful Things,” a 2021 memoir that chronicles his drug and alcohol addictions. Biden was so grateful for Morris’ counsel that he included him as part of “the outstanding team behind this book” on the acknowledgments page of his memoir.

In fact, both Morris and Biden are represented by the same agents — Aevitas Creative Management — which looks after Morris’ own works, the novels “All Joe Knight” and “Gettysburg,” and the short story collection “White Man’s Problems.”

NYPost: Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the email reads.

An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.

The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.

Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.

Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev.

“I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,” Biden infamously bragged to the Council on Foreign Relations in 2018.

“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired.”

Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”

In addition to denying that’s he’s spoken to Hunter Biden about his overseas business dealings, Joe Biden has repeatedly denied any conflict of interest or wrongdoing by either of them involving ­Burisma.

Last February, he got testy during an appearance on NBC’s “Today” show when co-host Savannah Guthrie questioned whether it was “wrong for [Hunter] to take that position, knowing that it was really because that company wanted access to you.”

Last December, Joe Biden also lashed out during a Democratic primary town hall event in Iowa, where a man accused him of sending Hunter to Ukraine “to get a job and work for a gas company, he had no experience with gas or nothing, in order to get access to . . . the president.”

“You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true and no one has ever said that,” Biden fumed.

Biden then continued berating the man as he stepped forward, called the man “fat” and challenged him to “do push-ups together, man.”

The FBI referred questions about its seizure of the laptop and hard drive to the Delaware US Attorney’s Office, where a spokesperson said, “My office can neither confirm nor deny the existence of an investigation.”

NYPost: Joe Biden insists he never knew a thing about Hunter’s lucrative deals in countries where he wielded influence as vice president.

But evidence abounds on Hunter’s abandoned laptop of Joe’s involvement.

Among more than 100 events scheduled in Hunter’s diary at the VP’s residence at the Naval Observatory in Washington, DC, there are meetings which appear to overlap with Hunter’s business interests.

“Breakfast with Dad — NavObs” is one such meeting recorded for 8:30 a.m. on Nov. 19, 2015. Five photographs date-stamped on that day and taken at 10:03 a.m. and 10:04 a.m. appear on the laptop, showing Joe posing with four of Hunter’s business associates, including Mexican billionaires Carlos Slim and Miguel Alemán Velasco.

One photo also features Velasco’s son Miguel Aleman Magnani, the founder of budget airline Interjet, at whose Acapulco mansion Hunter and wife Kathleen had stayed that March. Jeff Cooper, a longtime Biden family benefactor, who ran one of the largest asbestos litigation firms in the country, Illinois-based SimmonsCooper, also appears along with Hunter.

The photos were taken in the living room of the VP’s residence, which was painted at the time in a daffodil yellow chosen by Jill Biden and featured distinctive paintings by Vermont artist Wolf Kahn on loan from Addison/Ripley Fine Art in Georgetown, which are visible on the wall behind the men. Two floral chairs and a pink-toned silk rug in the photos match the décor of the living room at the time. In the background of one photo, a piano and family photographs can be seen in front of a bay window.

The Biden campaign said a review of the former vice president's schedule for that time period showed no such meeting took place.

Cooper’s association with the Bidens began in 2005 when he started filing multimillion-dollar lawsuits in Delaware in association with Joe’s late son Beau Biden’s firm Bifferato, Gentilotti & Biden. He would make a lot of money from the $30 billion asbestos compensation business, helped by Joe, as leader of the powerful Judiciary Committee, blocking asbestos litigation reform when a bill reached the Senate floor, as Paul Sperry from Real Clear Investigations has reported.

When Joe became vice president, Cooper put Hunter on the board of his venture capital firm Eudora Global, and gave him shares in the business, which netted Hunter around $80,000 a year, documents on the laptop show. In 2015, Hunter also received a “one-time payment” of $300,000 from Eudora.

SimmonsCooper also put up $1 million in investment capital for Hunter and his uncle Jim Biden’s abortive attempt to run a hedge fund in 2009. When the venture ended, the Bidens returned the money.

Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian energy company that was paying Hunter $83,333 to sit on its board, also got involved in his Mexican ventures.

In a 2014 email, Cooper wrote to Hunter: “I met with Miguel [Aleman Magnani] last night. He has set up mtgs with the Secty of Energy and the CEO of Pemex for Jan 12. Is there any chance that anyone from Burisma could attend?”

Zlochevskyi could not fly to Mexico to finalize a deal Cooper had brokered with Pemex, thus jeopardizing one of Hunter’s most profitable side hustles.

“Going to have to do some serious back pedaling with Burisma,” Hunter emailed Cooper on Feb. 16, 2015. “Most likely jeopardizes my board position.”

Politico: President Joe Biden’s nomination of Eric Lander to be his top science adviser has been delayed in part because of a Democratic senator’s concerns about meetings Lander and his colleagues had with Jeffrey Epstein, the late financier who was charged with sex trafficking in 2019 before his apparent suicide.

Epstein claimed on one of his websites that his foundation had sponsored “many prominent scientists,” including Lander. A spokesperson for Lander told The New York Times in 2019 that the boast wasn’t true. (Two other scientists whom Epstein claimed to have sponsored also said Epstein had never supported their work.)

“Mr. Epstein appears to have made up lots of things, and this seems to be among them,” Lander’s spokesperson, Lee McGuire, told The Times.

Newsweek: President Biden's brother, James, purchased an acre of land on Water Island in the U.S Virgin Islands in 2005. Epstein's island home was on Little Saint James in the same island group. The former VP has vacationed on a different part of Water Island in the past but there is no evidence of property ownership.

Tech Companies Suppressing Conservatives 

Several prominent conservatives on social media have claimed that big tech companies like Facebook and Twitter are suppressing their voices. These claims have been amplified after Twitter locked the account of the New York Post following its publication of a story about Hunter Biden's emails. Twitter had earlier tried to limit the reach of the story.

"Twitter has been throttling my reach and I'm getting 1/3 the amount of RTs I would normally get. Instagram is doing the same & worse for the last few days," Donald Trump Jr. tweeted on October 18. "I guess they don't want the truth about the Biden crime family out there and they will cover for them at all costs."

Anyone who shared the Post link had to delete it if they wanted to get back into their account.

FOXNews: Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed that the FBI approached Facebook warning the platform about "Russian propaganda" ahead of the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

Appearing on Thursday's installment of "The Joe Rogan Experience," Zuckerberg was asked about Facebook's suppression of the New York Post's reporting that shed light on the shady foreign business dealings of the son of then-candidate Joe Biden.

Zuckerberg began by stressing how Facebook took a "different path" than Twitter, which completely censored the Post's reporting while Facebook limited its reach on the platform.

Meta, Facebook's parent company, issued a statement saying "None of this is new. Mark testified before the Senate nearly two years ago that in the lead up to the 2020 election, the FBI warned about the threat of foreign hack and leak operations… We took that seriously, and as Mark said when he testified, we didn't block the New York Post story, we temporarily reduced its distribution to give fact-checking partners time to review it."

Both Zuckerberg and then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey expressed regret for their actions limiting the distribution of the New York Post's reporting and several news organizations including The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC News and Politico have since verified the authenticity of the laptop.

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., revealed this week in a letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz that whistleblowers allege FBI officials told agents not to investigate Hunter Biden's laptop for months over concerns it would impact the 2020 election.

NYPost: The FBI has had possession of the laptop since December 2019.

Now we know why the FBI never investigated the laptop, thanks to whistleblowers who have come forward to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley alleging a widespread effort within the agency to discredit negative information about the Bidens as Russian disinformation.

Joe Biden not only knew about Hunter’s international influence-peddling scheme, but allegedly was cut in for a slice of the profits.

Through 2015, 2016 and 2017, Hunter’s then-business partner James Gilliar, a former British Special Forces officer with ties to UK intelligence services, traveled the world, using the Biden name to open doors for CEFC, Chinese energy conglomerate in Oman, Romania, Georgia, Kazakhstan and beyond. Sometimes he was accompanied by Hunter, Jim or another business partner, Rob Walker, a Biden family friend and former Clinton-administration official whose wife, Betsy Massey Walker, was Jill Biden’s assistant when Jill was second lady.

In an email written by Gilliar to Hunter on May 13, 2017, the “Big Guy” was allocated a 10% stake in a lucrative joint venture with Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

“10 [percent] held by H[unter] for the Big Guy,” Gilliar wrote.

Gilliar would become the driving force behind Hunter and uncle Jim Biden’s multimillion-dollar payments from CEFC.

BBC: After graduating from Yale Law, Hunter worked at MBNA America, a bank holding company headquartered in Delaware and later acquired by Bank of America.

However, his father's close relationship with the bank - one of the largest employers in Delaware and a top contributor to his political campaigns - earned him the unfavourable moniker of "the senator from MBNA". As the younger Mr Biden rose to the rank of executive vice-president, his father pushed bankruptcy reform legislation favourable to the bank through the Senate.

In the early 2000s, while still receiving consulting fees from the bank, Hunter opened a Washington lobbying practice that - according to Politico Magazine - saw him land "clients with interests that overlapped with [his father's] committee assignments and legislative priorities".

In 2006, with then-Senator Biden set to re-assume chairmanship of the Senate's Foreign Relations Committee, his son and another relative made an ill-fated purchase of a hedge fund group, Paradigm Global Advisors.

Their tenure at Paradigm extended through Joe Biden's 2008 run for president and selection as vice-president to President Barack Obama. During this time, the fund was connected with several alleged criminal frauds, including a Texas financier convicted of running one of the largest Ponzi schemes in US history. The Bidens denied any wrongdoing and faced no charges. In 2010, they liquidated the fund and returned money to investors.

An NBC News analysis concluded that Hunter's firm brought in about $11m (£9.2m) through its work in Ukraine and China from 2013-18, including nearly $5m from the Louisiana gas venture alone.

It also reportedly revealed spending of more than $200,000 a month at one point on luxury hotel suites, sports car payments and cash withdrawals, among other expenditures.

Federal investigators in Delaware are now scrutinising his finances and foreign ties, and the first son - who denies any illegal activity - says he is "cooperating completely".

"I'm absolutely certain, 100 percent certain, that at the end of the investigation, I will be cleared of any wrongdoing," he told CBS News.

Slate: Going into the midterms, and into a potential Republican-controlled House where the GOP is vowing and planning to investigate the contents of the laptop as well as the media’s and the intelligence community’s handling of the laptop—it seems potentially not great to not know what it is we’re even talking about here, which was sort of the motivation for looking into this in the first place.

Jared Kushner gets $2B Saudi investment, drawing Hunter Biden comparisons

NYPost: Former first son-in-law Jared Kushner received a $2 billion investment from Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund — with expected annual management fees of $25 million — according to a new report, drawing comparisons to first son Hunter Biden’s overseas business ventures.

Kushner’s firm Affinity Partners made the deal shortly after President Donald Trump left office, despite a Saudi Public Investment Fund review panel’s concerns about “inexperience” and a due diligence review that was “unsatisfactory in all aspects,” according to minutes of a June meeting reported by the New York Times.

Trump is openly teasing a possible 2024 bid and Kushner’s arrangement sparked ethics concerns from some of the same experts who slammed Hunter Biden’s overseas ventures.


Forbes: The Chinese government has granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president reportedly got approved roughly 40% faster than those she requested before her father's victory in the 2016 election.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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