3rd Apr 2023

Epstein grand jury docs one step closer to being unsealed

By Taylor Hernandez, WPBF

PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. —A bill sponsored by Palm Beach County legislators to unseal grand jury documents in Jeffrey Epstein's case unanimously passed its first committee stop.

The Florida House Criminal Justice subcommittee voted 18-0 to send the legislation on to the second of three committee stops before it would move to the full house.

The legislation, sponsored by Boca Raton Rep. Peggy Gossett-Seidman, would "create a narrowly tailored exception to Florida's grand jury rules."

While grand juries do not vote on innocence versus guilt, the proceedings are secret, and documents are sealed for the protection of witnesses.

“In this case, we are seeking testimony from someone who is deceased and from someone in a situation which involved minors,” Seidman said.

Though it does not mention him by name, this legislation would only apply in Epstein's case.

“It certainly seemed not only appropriate but something that needed to be done," Seidman said. "Then we can maybe look at other grand jury things down the road, and maybe there should be more public’s right to know.”

It would provide a path for Palm Beach County Clerk Joseph Abruzzo to release the records.

Abruzzo released a statement in support of the legislation that reads in part, "I strongly believe that changing the law to allow this limited release of grand jury records, with a judge's order, is the best course of action."

State Attorney Dave Aronberg sent this statement to WPBF 25 News today:

“Our office supports transparency, which is why three years ago we posted all the public records from the investigation and prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein online. These public records can be accessed through our website. The case occurred several years and multiple State Attorney administrations before I took office in 2013. I have never seen or had access to the Epstein Grand Jury documents, as the State Attorney’s Office has never possessed them. I applaud Clerk Abruzzo for his push for transparency. I will continue to have no objection to the Clerk’s release of the Epstein Grand Jury records.”

The bill has bipartisan support.

An identical piece of legislation sponsored by Boca Raton senator Tina Polsky is set to start moving through the Senate on Tuesday.

Why there’s a new push to unseal Jeffrey Epstein’s secret grand jury records

By Terry Parker, WPBF

When Palm Beach Police investigated Jeffrey Epstein for sex trafficking starting in 2005, they interviewed well over a dozen young girls who said they’d been groomed to give Epstein regular sexual massages at his Palm Beach mansion.

"I did it naked but I wouldn't let him touch me or anything like that. So after that, he says, 'You know what, listen, I'll pay you $200 for every girl you bring to me,'" one of the victims told police in a videotaped interview.

Armed with the disturbing accounts, and corroborating evidence they seized inside Epstein's mansion, police presented the case to the Palm Beach County State Attorney.

But they were shocked when a grand jury returned only an indictment of soliciting a prostitute under 18.

“The state attorney suggested we resolve the case with a notice to appear for a misdemeanor -- very similar to a traffic ticket,"said former Police Chief Michael Reiter told WPBF Investigative Reporter Terri Parker in 2018.

"We believed he'd spend the rest of his life in prison," said Reiter.

So what happened in that grand jury room that convinced jurors to give Epstein just a slap on the wrist?

No one knows because grand jury proceedings are secret – one reason is because only the State Attorney presents evidence, and the defendant is not there to rebut the charges.

"It is problematic and the law recognizes that and says, you know what, it's a one-sided argument. We're going to keep these private to protect that individual, to protect the jurors and to protect the case as a whole," explained Palm Beach County Clerk of Court Joseph Abruzzo.

Abruzzo said he agrees with the request, but under current law he is forbidden to release the grand jury testimony.

"As the custodian of these court records, I believe we need extreme transparency and full sunshine on the Epstein case. This law, if passed, would allow the media or quite frankly, any member of the public to petition the court to get these records," said Abruzzo.

Abruzzo confirmed the records include audio recordings.

Ghislaine Maxwell trial: Massage room, nude photos and diamonds shown in FBI images of Jeffrey Epstein's New York mansion

By SkyNews

The FBI found boxes of CDs and nude photos of women and girls in several rooms - including a so-called massage room - during the search on July 6, 2019.

Investigators uncovered "numerous black binders" containing CDs which were clearly labelled with thumbnail photos at the seven-story Manhattan property.

The Intercept’s Ryan Grim pointed out that in the memo released by the Southern District of New York, it was noted that a CD in Epstein’s safe was labeled “Young [Name] + [Name].” “That looks an awful lot like they found the blackmail tapes,” Grim wrote.

Per photographs taken at the time of the raid, hard drives were found inside a safe forced open by the FBI and numerous large black binders were found in a closet that contain “CDs, carefully categorized in plastic slipcovers and thumbnails with photos on them.” When shown in court, the “homemade labels” were redacted, as judge Alison Nathan had ruled that they contained “identifying information for third parties.”

Independent: Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's girlfriend briefly discussed Epstein's hidden cameras and sex tapes with CBS News 60 Minutes producer Ira Rosen, also making clear that there were tapes of both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. The conversation took place in 2016 and she reportedly told Rosen that, given Trump’s involvement in the upcoming election, she would not release any information derived from the tapes relating to Clinton until after the election and she would only do so while also exposing Trump. Up until now, she has done neither.

Information and support for anyone affected by rape or sexual abuse issues is available from the following organisations. In the US, Rainn offers support on 800-656-4673. In the UK, Rape Crisis offers support on 0808 802 9999. In Australia, support is available at 1800Respect (1800 737 732).

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Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold to these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


Epstein's Little Black Book

FBI Files Jeffrey Epstein

Epstein's Private Jet's Flight Manifests

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The nonprofit organization End Violence Against Women International began the national Start By Believing Campaign in 2011, to promote positive responses to sexual assault survivors who disclose. As the campaign’s name suggests, a statement of belief can have a huge impact on sexual assault survivors, and can influence their decision whether or not to disclose their sexual assault again. Start By Believing also provides more tips on what to say and what not to say when someone confides in you they’ve been sexually assaulted.


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