20th Sep 2022

How to Take Back Our Elections

Viruses, drug overdoses, mass shootings, inflation, starvaton, lay-offs and as always, more war. The insatiable war machine, the military industial complex needs our children. No matter who's in the White House, the rich get richer and the bombs keep falling. And at home, our government responds to every peaceful demonstration with police in riot gear with military grade equipment at the ready. We’ve allowed our country to be taken from us, for the benefit of the few and the total decimation of the vast many. 

Protesting is futile. Direct actions disrupt and cause monetary damages, but the pain is short lived, and nothing changes. Voting has led to the continuation of one corrupt party or the other. We have voted out the whole top tier of the US government and yet the thugs and criminals are still there, still in power, as brutal as ever.

'We the people' will continue to suffer until we return America to a functioning Republic with three branches of government that are beholden to 'we the people' instead of their corporate masters. How? How can 'we the people' bring back a 'government of, for and by the people'? By ending the corporate sponorship of our elections. Demand free elections and term limits. Make lobbying illegal or why bother voting at all?

Voting got us into this mess. Voting sure as hell won't get us out of it.  


NewYorkTimes: The founders did not design the United States to be a democracy.

They distrusted the classical notion of direct democracy, in which a community came together to vote on each important issue, and believed it would be impractical for a large country. They did not consider many residents of the new country to be citizens who deserved a voice in political affairs, including Natives, enslaved Africans and women. The founders also wanted to constrain the national government from being too powerful, as they believed was the case in Britain. And they had the practical problem of needing to persuade 13 states to forfeit some of their power to a new federal government.

Instead of a direct democracy, the founders created a republic, with elected representatives to make decisions, and a multilayered government in which different branches checked one another. The Constitution also created the Senate, where every state had an equal say regardless of population.

In the Federalist Papers, James Madison equated “a coalition of a majority of the whole society” with “justice and the general good.” Alexander Hamilton made similar points, describing “representative democracy” as “happy, regular and durable.” It was a radical idea at the time.

The Constitution gives special privileges to the residents of small states. In presidential elections, many voters in large states have become irrelevant in a way that has no historical antecedent.

The country’s changing population patterns may have had an even bigger effect on Congress — especially the Senate — and the Supreme Court than the presidency.

This situation has led to racial inequality in political representation. The residents of small states, granted extra influence by the Constitution, are disproportionately white, while large states are home to many more Asian American, Black and Latino voters.

In addition, two parts of the country that are disproportionately Black or Latino — Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico — have no Senate representation. Washington has more residents than Vermont or Wyoming, and Puerto Rico has more residents than 20 states. As a result, the Senate gives a political voice to white Americans that is greater than their numbers.

Gerrymandering: State legislatures often draw district boundaries and in recent years have become more aggressive about drawing them in partisan ways. In Illinois, for example, the Democrats who control the state government have packed Republican voters into a small number of House districts, allowing most other districts to lean Democratic. In Wisconsin, Republicans have done the opposite.

Because Republicans have been more forceful about gerrymandering than Democrats, the current House map slightly favors Republicans, likely by a few seats. At the state level, Republicans have been even bolder. Gerrymandering has helped them dominate the state legislatures in Michigan, North Carolina and Ohio, even though the states are closely divided.

Geographic sorting has helped cause a growing disconnect between public opinion and election results, and this disconnect has shaped the Supreme Court as well. The court’s membership at any given time is dictated by the outcomes of presidential and Senate elections over the previous few decades.

Every current justice has been appointed during one of the past nine presidential terms, and a Democrat has won the popular vote in seven of those nine and the presidency in five of the nine. Yet the court is now dominated by a conservative, six-member majority.

There are multiple reasons. But the increasingly undemocratic nature of both the Electoral College and Senate play crucial roles.

Senate Republicans blocked Obama from filling a court seat during his final year in office. 

The roots of the modern election-denier movement stretch back to 2008. When Obama was running for president and after he won, some of his critics falsely claimed that his victory was illegitimate because he was born in Kenya rather than Hawaii. This movement became known as birtherism, and Trump was among its proponents. By making the claims on Fox News and elsewhere, he helped transform himself from a reality television star into a political figure.

When he ran for president himself in 2016, Trump made false claims about election fraud central to his campaign. In the Republican primaries, he accused his closest competitor for the nomination, Sen. Ted Cruz, of cheating. In the general election against Hillary Clinton, Trump said he would accept the outcome only if he won. In 2020, after Biden won, the election lies became Trump’s dominant political message.

Anyone who divides Americans against each other should be seen as the real enemy. For no house divided against itself can stand. 


Published: December 23, 2015

FOXNews: Real estate tycoon Donald Trump said he has doubts about whether President Obama was born in the United States and has sent investigators to Hawaii looking for answers.

The "Celebrity Apprentice" star has shot up in the polls as a potential GOP nominee, in part because of his questions about whether Obama is constitutionally allowed to be president if he doesn't prove he is a natural-born citizen of the United States.

"I have people that actually have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding," Trump told NBC's "Today" show on Thursday.

"His grandmother in Kenya said he was born in Kenya, and she was there and witnessed the birth. He doesn't have a birth certificate or he hasn't shown it. He has what's called a certificate of live birth. That is something that's easy to get," Trump said, arguing that Obama has spent $2 million in legal fees "to get away from this issue."

Calling it potentially one of the biggest scams in the history of politics, Trump said he'd like Obama to show his birth certificate.


DO NOT believe your corporate masters that everyone who hates Trump loves Hillary and/or Biden and vice versa. NO, your whole system, top-to-bottom, is corrupt, and you have been divided and conquered by the super rich and the main stream/social media that amplfies our differences, isolates us into groups which are increasingly intolerable of each other. 

One side blames everything on Obama and/or Clinton and/or Soros. While the other side blames everything on Bush and/or Trump or the Koch brothers, what a scam. Divided and conquered by slimy politicians and oligarchs. By FOX news and MSNBC. Shame on you!

In America we're forced to pledge allegiance to the war machine, to police brutality, to blood for oil, to racism, to sexism, to ageism, to inequality, to bigotry or be bullied, blacklisted and receive death threats until you conform or are murdered.

In America the Republicans and Democrats will lock you up and or blacklist or shadow-ban you FOR TELLING THE TRUTH! So that you will never work again and then call it free speech. How’s that Constitution working out for Edward Snowden or Colin Kaepernick?  

It's capitalism for the poor and socialism for the wealthy. The rich get richer, and the poor get children. The U.S. oligarchs get the public investment and privatize the profits. They get to write our laws (lobbyist), bribe officials to pass those laws (PAC's), seat conservative judges to uphold those laws. Crash the economy and get the taxpayer bailout(s).

America's NOT capitalist! Farm, auto, bank BAILOUTS, QE, crony capitalism, tax cuts for profitable corporations, deregulating polluters, subsidies for the super-rich and that was BEFORE the VIRUS! That is NOT capitalism, is it? HELL NO, it is WELFARE FOR THE RICH!

The Republicans and democrats are crooks and criminals who use the ballot box to hold onto power. America is being looted by war profiteers and promise makers.

The US military has never protected the USA or the US Constitution, not once. On 9/11 the military did not scramble one fighter jet. Not one! The military did kill four unarmed peaceful student protesters in Ohio at Kent State University, but never protected my rights, or yours, not once, while they were trampled upon by our bosses, landlords, teachers, judges and police. They won’t even let you kneel, uh, I mean protest. You are forced to pledge to the imperialist and war mongers. You must pledge to racism, sexism, ageism, war profiteering, police brutality because you wouldn’t want to offend the baby killing troops, right? READ MORE: Where Is Outcry Over Children Killed by U.S.-Led Forces? (Scientific America) Since 9/11, U.S.-led forces have killed—directly, not indirectly--more than a thousand children in Syria and other war zones around the world.  

READ MORE: Costs of the 20-year war on terror: $8 trillion and 900,000 deaths

Many trillions of dollars in U.S. Government military spending have been and are unaccounted-for, and that by far the most corrupt U.S. federal Department is the ‘Defense’ Department, it is important to document here, that the most respected institution in America has been and is the military, and so there exists in the United States a profoundly deceived public, which is a reflection of America’s having also a thoroughly corrupt national press or ‘news’-media, a U.S. press that is controlled by the same group of individuals who control the ‘defense’ contractors such as Lockheed Martin — the firms that derive all or almost all of their incomes from sales to the U.S. Government and to its allied governments. In other words: the U.S. is controlled by a racket. 

Republicans and Democrats have DENIED YOU a safe place to live. DENIED YOU a decent education. DENIED YOU affordable housing. Stole over $25 trillion with nothing to show for it. CAN'T fix the HWYS or WIN a war. Now they WANT four more years, are you dumb enough to support this?? READ MORE: October surprise (How the FBI & CIA Are Rigging Elections)

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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