24th Aug 2022

If You're Not Getting DEATH THREATS You're Not Doing It Right

What does it mean when they burn record albums and books? What are they trying to do when they phone in death threats? What were they trying to do when they killed Jesus Christ?

"I know" some one said. "Jesus died for our sins."

Yes, but why did the Jews and the Romans want to kill Jesus? They wanted to shut him up, but why? What had Jesus done that would make these so-called religious people, the Jews call for Jesus' death? He wasn't a crimnal or a killer, so what was his crime? He was a preacher. He preached love. That to be a good Jew or good Christian that you needed to "love your enemies, as you love your sel" and that you should "turn the other cheek" instead of defending your self. That you should "give unto Caesar what is Caesar's."

This infuriated everyone. And if Jesus was to preach today what he preached back then Christians today would rape, torture and nail Jesus to his cross. Where I'm from everyone claims to be a Christian but has a gun under their pillow or somewhere in their home. So my question is how can you love your enemy with a gun in your hand? How can you turn the other cheek if your shooting a gun? You can't. So, everyone calling themselves a Christian today while owning weapons is obviously a fake, a fraud and a hypocrit. 

Most of you can not handle the truth so you hope to silence me and the other truth tellers, through bullying and censorship and murder. I've been bullied my whole life. It is the Amerian way to bully you until you conform or are murdered. READ MORE: Country Singer Who Knelt Following National Anthem Says She's Recieved Death Threats (SI)

People who burn books and CD's and call in death threats are fascist because they do not want any one else to be able to express an opposing veiw point. The only thought you are allowed to have are those provided to you. You are not alowed to think for yourself. You must obey and do as you are told or suffer the wrath of the mob.

And they are scared. MBS had Jamal Khashoggi killed because the information he had was that damaging. They can not control the information in the age of the information highway but they can control people through death threats and through murder. READ MORE: Kids Football Team Kneeling During The National Anthem Has Received Multiple Death Threats (ABC News)

America hates the truth tellers that's why the C.I.A. set up and tried to assassinate Julian Assange of Wikileaks. That's the reason for the smear campaigns and not allowing NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to leave Russia. Then the C.I.A. can claim he's a traitor which of couse the punishment for traitors is death. But Snowden is not a traitor he's a truth teller and that's why they want to kill him. BECAUSE, YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH! 

And what is the truth? What are they hiding from you? We all know what the truth is, the C.I.A. murdered JFK and his brother Bobby and then tried to blame Castro. The C.I.A. trained and funded death squads all over South America that we now call drug cartels. The C.I.A. had arch bishop Romero and John Lennon murdered because they told the truth. We all know that 9/11 was a C.I.A., Saudi Arabia and Israeli operation. We know America lied about WMD and everything else under the sun. The jig is up and the only way to keep the people pacified now is to legalize drugs whlie dividing and conquerng the masses with the C.I.A.'s own cults of personality, like Donald Trump. READ MORE: Donald Trump supporters send death threats to judge who approved Mar-a-Lago search (PBS) 

ChristianToday: Pilate wanted to appease the mob so he ordered Jesus be scourged in an extreme manner.


Roman flagellation was one of the most feared of all punishments. It was a form of brutal, inhumane punishment generally executed by Roman soldiers using the most dreaded instrument of the time, called a flagrum.

This was a whip consisting of three or more leather tails which had plumbatae, small metal balls or sheep bones at the end of each tail.

These plumbatae tore the skin to pieces, inflicted internal injuries to kidneys, liver and lungs and even broke ribs.

The victim was stripped of all clothing and chained to a pillar, low down so he was in a kneeling position which allowed the torturer to gain greater weight with the flagrum. The torturer would change sides so as to ensure all parts of the body were equally dealt with.

Then came the 'Crown of Thorns

Dr. Michael Evanari, Professor of Botany at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has opined the Syrian Christ Thorn, which was available in Jerusalem, was the plant most likely to be used for the crown of thorns.

It wasn't for show.

The thorns were meant to drive deep into the scalp, damaging nerves and blood vessels and causing severe facial pain.

According to Dr Evanari, they could also cause spasmodic episodes of stabbing, lancinating and explosive pain.

Passover in Jerusalem was a flashpoint. The men who executed Jesus had been recruited to suppress recurrent rebellion in Palestine. Their job was to maintain public order, and maintain it they would.

As we know, this scourging did not appease the mob, nor would the mob allow Jesus to be swapped for the terrorist, Barabbas, so Pilate, again intimidated by the mob at the time of the Passover, ordered His Crucifixion.

CovertAtionMagazine: On Sunday February 21, 1965, at 3:00 p.m., Malcolm X was gunned down at the Audubon Ballroom on Broadway and 166th Street in Manhattan while delivering a speech to an audience of about 400 people.

When Malcolm began his speech at the Audubon, a man’s voice drowned him out by shouting in the middle of the ballroom, “Nigger, get your hands out of my pocket.” As heads turned to hear what the commotion was all about, an incendiary device was triggered at the back, sending smoke into the air.

With people’s attention distracted, a man stood up in the fourth row with a sawed-off shotgun and fired point blank into Malcolm’s chest.

Two men in the front row further jumped up with pistols in their hands and coolly took aim at Malcolm and shot at him like a firing squad, according to a female eyewitness in the third row. Afterwards, they emptied their revolvers into Malcolm’s prone body before fleeing the scene. 

Two of the gunmen escaped through a narrow seldom-used flight of stairs leading down to the street, while the others formed a column and tried to escape through the front. 

Talmadge Hayer, 22, of Paterson, New Jersey, was shot in the leg, allegedly by Malcolm’s Secretary, Reuben Francis.

He was subsequently trapped by a mob and almost torn apart before he was arrested by two police officers whose squad car was cruising in the neighborhood.

Hayer was found with a clip of .45-caliber bullets in his pocket which matched the murder weapons found at the scene. In court, he confessed to the crime, though never said who sent him to kill Malcolm, only that he was a foot soldier, a “part of a machine.” 

Hayer served 44 years in prison before his release in April 2010, at which time he claimed to have had “deep regrets” about his involvement in Malcolm’s murder.

The two other men convicted for Malcolm’s murder, Thomas Johnson (Khalil Islam), 30, and Norman Butler (Muhammad Aziz), 26, each spent about 20 years in prison. In November 2021, the two men were exonerated.

At the trial, Hayer told the court that Johnson and Butler had nothing to do with Malcolm’s killing and that he did not even know them. He stated: “I was there. I know what happened. I know the people that did take part in it and they (Butler and Johnson) wasn’t any of the people that had anything to do with it. I want the jury to know.” 

In 1977 and 1978, Hayer gave the names of four men who he said were his accomplices as part of an affidavit given to civil rights lawyer William Kunstler in which he laid out a detailed time line of the assassination plot.

According to Hayer, a man he knew as “Wilbur” or “Kinly,” later identified as Wilbur McKinley,[8] shouted and threw a smoke bomb to create a diversion.

A man named “Willie,” later identified as William Bradley (aka Al-Mustafa Shabazz), 28, a former Green Beret and stick-up man, had a shotgun and was the first to fire on Malcolm X after the diversion.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) allegedly had films of Malcolm X’s killing that were never displayed at trial.

Earl Grant said he saw “an incredible scene” in which “a dozen police [were] strolling into the ballroom” after the shooting at “about the pace one would expect of them if they were patrolling a quiet park. They did not seem to be at all excited or concerned about the circumstances [and] not one had his gun out. As a matter of absolute fact, some of them even had their hands in their pocket.”

Afterwards, the NYPD did not secure the scene of the crime as they normally would. A dance at the Audubon went on as scheduled at 7:00 p.m. with bullets still in the wall. A rostrum with bullet holes was found in the basement of the Audubon Ballroom years later; it had never been examined by the police.

FBI and CIA Involvement 

Historian David Garrow, a biographer of Martin Luther King, Jr., stated on the 2020 Netflix documentary Who Killed Malcolm X that by never taking a serious interest in investigating Malcolm’s death, white-run institutions and law enforcement agencies sent the message that they did not value what his life represented.

In Garrow’s view, FBI informants within the NOI were likely involved in Malcolm’s assassination—he was almost certain of this.

On the day that Malcolm was killed, the FBI had nine informants in the Audubon Ballroom, none of whom was asked to testify at Hayer, Butler and Johnson’s murder trial.

During his travels to the Middle East and Africa, CIA agents followed Malcolm’s every move—boarding every flight he took, watching his hotels and keeping him under surveillance during meal-time—and allegedly tried to poison him twice.

The CIA’s Deputy Director of Plans, Richard Helms, was scrutinizing Malcolm’s activities up to the hour of his assassination. The State Department had required Helms to treat X as a “foreign agent or enemy of the United States.”

BOSSI (Bureau of Special Services and Investigation) had been modeled after the FBI and spent decades infiltrating left-wing and other radical political organizations and spying on New Yorkers.

Its detectives were expert in techniques of provocation, that is, in coercing subversive groups to commit violent and unlawful acts that would discredit them in the eyes of the public.

A handwritten note from Japanese-American activist Yuri Kochiyama, written during a meeting of the OAAU Liberation School following Malcolm’s death, stated that “Ray Woods [sic] is said to have been seen also running out of Audubon; was one of two picked up by police. Was the second person running out.”

Wood was a black NYPD officer from Chester, South Carolina with an Air Force background who began his career by infiltrating the Bronx Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) chapter in 1964 under the name Ray Woodall.

Posing as a 27-year-old graduate of Manhattan College studying law at Fordham University, Wood was named CORE’s housing chairman and talked chapter chairman Herbert Callender into making a “citizen’s arrest” of Mayor Robert Wagner for discriminating against blacks and misappropriating public monies, telling him that the arrest was legal when it was not.

By 1965, “Woodall” had been reassigned under his real name to infiltrate a group calling itself the Black Liberation Movement (BLM). 

He was subsequently credited with foiling a bomb plot by the BLM that targeted the Statue of Liberty and other national monuments, just a week before Malcolm X’s assassination.

The idea for the bombing had been Wood’s—under the direction of an FBI agent—and he did most of the planning, though he lied about this in court to comply with his supervisor’s directions to not implicate himself. 

Described as “the all-American boy” with tremendous “leadership abilities,” Wood was promoted to detective second grade for making the arrests in the Statue of Liberty bombing case, and received New York City’s highest award for heroism, the Medal of Honor.

Wood, who died in 2020, stated that his assignment was “to draw the two men into a felonious federal crime so that they could be arrested by the FBI and kept away from managing Malcolm X’s Audubon Ballroom door security on February 21st, 2021.”

Wood acknowledged subsequently that “Johnson was innocent and was arrested to protect my cover and the secrets of the FBI and NYPD.”

Planning to coordinate voter registration drives and local organizing against police brutality, Malcolm was gunned down on the very day he was to announce his call for the United Nations to denounce American racial practices as human rights violations.

The week before, on February 14th, he had given a powerful speech condemning the Western “rape” of Congo because of its rich mineral wealth, and bombing of the country by CIA-trained mercenaries, which most white liberals were silent about. READ MORE: Anthrax Attacks Directed Against Public Officials Following 9/11 Had all the Markings of a False Flag Operation (Covert Action)

Other Suspicious Deaths

Like with the Kennedy assassination, Malcolm’s assassination resulted in other suspicious deaths. One was of Louis Lomax, an African-American journalist who befriended Malcolm X in the late 1950s and claimed to have solved the riddle of the assassination. 

On July 31, 1970, Lomax died in an auto accident in New Mexico. At the time, he had a contract from 20th Century Fox to make a movie about Malcolm that would expose the U.S. intelligence community’s role in his assassination.

The brakes on his car failed and Lomax skidded across a highway and died. 

The second suspicious death was of Leon Ameer, Malcolm’s New England representative and Cassius Clay’s (Muhammad Ali’s) former secretary, who had “vowed to carry on Malcolm’s work” after his assassination. 

The former karate teacher was found unconscious in the bathtub at Boston’s Sherry Biltmore Hotel on March 13, 1965, hours after he had appeared at the Socialist Workers meeting in Boston. In a speech there, he said that the government was responsible for Malcolm’s death and that he would shortly produce tapes and documents to prove it.

Ameer stated in his speech that he had “facts in my possession as to who really killed Malcolm X,” and that “this is probably the last time you’ll see me alive.”

It is clear that Malcolm X’s death, alongside those of John and Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., in the 1960s, helped to usher in a period of conservative ascendancy. 

The tenets of American exceptionalism presume that political assassinations only occur in totalitarian states like Russia and China; an investigation into Malcolm X’s killing, however, reveals that this is simply not the case.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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