2nd Oct 2022

Iran arrests Europeans accused of role in unrest

PPEmpire: Recent US interventions in the former Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela, and Iran all used the “hybrid war” theory. It was through these new facts that scholars in other countries have come to better understand the US theory of “hybrid war,” including “color revolution” strategies.

The essential theory of “color revolution” originated from US author Edwards Bernays’ 1928 book “Propaganda,” which for the first time put forward the idea of “social psychology control.” The US business community is very familiar with the book, as it is also a classical theoretical work for modern marketing techniques. “Color revolution” is peculiar in that, with the intervention of state apparatus, it may give social psychology control the power to be used as an instrument.

Although two decades ago the trade war hadn’t broken out yet, anyone looking at the bigger, geopolitical picture could see black clouds gathering.

Anyone familiar with color revolutions would have recognized the pattern that was already emerging in campaigns aimed at discrediting both the central and Hong Kong government. The process of ideological subversion is always underpinned by a slow penetration into the institutions of a target country, fractious opposition parties magically form a united front, a small army of local volunteers and foreign agents co-operate to promote what is touted as ‘civic action’, a network of foundations and NGOs mushrooms to receive millions of dollars, new media outlets appear.

The ideological seeds of color revolutions are sown long before anti-government movements organize mass demonstrations and engage in violent confrontations with the police.


Le Monde Diplomatique reported in 2008: “The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was created in 1983, ostensibly as a non-profit-making organization to promote human rights and democracy. In 1991 its first president, the historian Allen Weinstein, confessed to The Washington Post: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

Through its four core organizations: the American Center for International Labour Solidarity led by the AFL-CIO now known as the Solidarity Center, the Center for International Private Enterprise, led by the US Chamber of Commerce; the National Republican Institute; and the National Democratic Institute, led by leaders of the two big business parties, NED has developed a much more sophisticated regime change operation. NED invests in non-governmental organizations, youth leaders and media to gradually build opposition to the target government.

Their mission is disruptively subverting democracy and instigating regime change through labor strikes, mass street protests, major media agitprop, and whatever else it takes short of military conflict.

These protests also seem to be using tactics we have seen in US regime change operations in Ukraine, Venezuela and Nicaragua in recent years. The protests become violent — attack authorities or bystanders — seeking to get the police to respond with violence to video the police and claim they are being violent against protesters.

Iran arrests Europeans accused of role in unrest 

By Parisa Hafezi

DUBAI (Reuters) -Iran, which has blamed "foreign enemies" for protests that swept the country after the death of a woman in morality police custody, said on Friday it had arrested nine European nationals for their role in the unrest.

The detention of citizens of Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and other countries is likely to ratchet up tensions between Iran and Western countries over the death of Mahsa Amini.


State television said "unidentified armed individuals" opened fire on a police station in the southeastern city of Zahedan, prompting security forces to return fire. Nineteen people were killed, including security forces, the provincial governor told state television. Twenty people were injured.

State media reported that the elite Revolutionary Guards' intelligence chief in Sistan and Baluchistan province was killed in Zahedan during clashes with "terrorists".

A video on social media showed aid being given to several injured protesters by their comrades, one of whom was trying to limit bleeding from a man who appeared to be shot in the neck.

Reuters could not verify the footage.

Amid reports of a planned student strike, authorities said Zahedan university will hold distance learning until Oct. 8, the semi-official news agency ISNA reported.

Internet watchdog NetBlocks said on Twitter that Live network data show a regional internet disruption in effect in Zahedan.

Southeastern Iran, home to the Baluch ethnic minority, has also seen demonstrators torching government offices in at least one city. State news agency IRNA said an attempt to assassinate a judge in the town of Saravan had failed.

Iran's Gen Z is fed up. The protests aren't just about hijab, they're about regime change.

USAToday: ...Pivotally, today’s Gen Z protesters are more radical and angrier than their “reform”-minded predecessors. The 2009 Green Movement was largely composed of middle-class Tehranis, often educated in Europe, who had much to lose....

...There are no appeals to the administration, parts of the government or the police who beat them. Iranians are responding to police brutality in kind. They are retaliating by damaging police vehicles, chasing state agents and holding their ground when confronted...

Wikipedia: The Green Movement protests were a major event in Iran's modern political history and observers claimed that these protests were the largest since the Iranian Revolution of 1978–79. While the protests started out as a peaceful, non-violent movement, hundreds of people were arrested and several died as protests turned more violent in the following months. The movement eventually had trouble with retaining its momentum.

According to organization officials, the movement encompasses numerous political parties, NGO's and social networks. The "Green Path" has six main members of the central council, who are connected to reformist parties, NGOs, and social networks. The main body consists of ordinary protesters. The strategy is to connect existent pressures and issues in society in a social network.

Trump threatens to have National Guard shoot protestors in Minneapolis

(Reuters) – Twitter hid a tweet by former U.S. President Donald Trump behind a warning for the first time, accusing him of breaking its rules by “glorifying violence” in a message that said looters at protests in Minneapolis would be shot.

Trump's tweet labeled by Twitter read: “…These THUGS are dishonoring the memory of George Floyd, and I won’t let that happen. Just spoke to Governor Tim Walz and told him that the Military is with him all the way. Any difficulty and we will assume control but, when the looting starts, the shooting starts. Thank you!”

Trump, who had more than 80 million followers on Twitter, responded by accusing the company of targeting him, Republicans and other conservatives for censorship. He threatened to impose new regulation on internet companies and called on Congress to revoke a law, known as Section 230, that protects online platforms from lawsuits over content.

Protests took place in other U.S. cities including Louisville, Kentucky, where police said seven people were shot. Protesters there vented rage over the police killing of Breonna Taylor, a black woman shot in her apartment in March.

Leaked audio reveals embarrassing U.S. exchange on Ukraine, EU

By Doina Chiacu, Arshad Mohammed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A conversation between a State Department official and the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine that was posted on YouTube revealed an embarrassing exchange on U.S. strategy for a political transition in that country, including a crude American swipe at the European Union.

The leaked conversation appeared certain to embarrass the United States and seemed designed to bolster charges - from Russia, among others - that the Ukrainian opposition is being manipulated by Washington, which President Barack Obama’s administration strenuously disputes.

Nuland is heard telling U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt that she doesn’t think Vitaly Klitschko, the boxer-turned-politician who is a main opposition leader, should be in a new government.

Separately on Thursday, a senior Kremlin aide accused the United States of arming Ukrainian “rebels” and warned Russia could intervene to maintain the security of its neighbor.

U.S. officials, while declining to confirm the recording’s contents, did not dispute its authenticity.

“I did not say it was not authentic,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said at a news briefing.

The floating of the audio is an ironic turnabout of sorts for the United States, which snooped on the leaders of allied nations, according to classified documents made public by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden.

The audio posted on YouTube, along with a second one that captures a reported conversation between senior EU diplomats, reveal apparent rifts between the United States and EU over how to handle Ukraine.

In the first audio, Nuland and Pyatt are heard discussing strategies to work with the three main opposition figures: Klitschko, Arseny Yatseniuk, former Ukrainian economy minister, and Oleh Tyahnybok, the far-right nationalist opposition leader.

Psaki said Nuland had apologized to her EU counterparts for the reported comments.

In it, Helga Schmid, deputy to EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, is heard complaining about U.S. criticism that the Europeans are not supporting sanctions on Ukrainian individuals in response to violence against anti-government protests.

“It’s very annoying that the Americans are going around criticizing the EU and saying we are too soft,” Schmid tells Jan Tombinski, the EU ambassador to Ukraine.

A spokeswoman for Ashton said the EU would not comment on a “leaked alleged” conversation.

Posted anonymously, the first audio clip was headlined “Puppets of Maidan” - clearly aiming to portray opposition leaders as stooges of the U.S. diplomats, who were discussing how the opposition might take up an offer from Yanukovich to form a government.

There was no immediate comment from Moscow, but the recording clearly plays into Russian accusations that the West is meddling in Ukraine. Russia sees Ukraine as being within its sphere of influence and has offered the cash-strapped Kiev a $15 billion bailout to keep it in its orbit.

Protests began when Yanukovich spurned an EU trade agreement last year in pursuit of closer ties with Russia. Protesters have since taken over public buildings and staged mass rallies, sometimes clashing violently with police, in the capital Kiev and other cities.


The US is the only country in the present-day world that has carried out “hybrid wars” and is capable of creating “color revolutions.” For many years, the US has been openly waging a “hybrid war” against Russia. The most important point in the National Security Strategy published by the Trump administration at the end of 2017 is designating both China as well as Russia as “revisionist power[s]” that “challenge US power, influences and interests.” This once again confirms an undeniable reality: the US is already engaging in a “hybrid war” against China.

Hong Kong democracy activists were caught on camera meeting with Julie Eadeh the political unit chief of US Consulate General in Hong Kong during the protests.

Exposing the identity of Eadeh greatly upset the United States and resulted in the US calling China a “thuggish regime” for identifying her. Protesters did not understand the concerns they said, since they had met with US officials in DC. Eadeh has been engaged in diplomatic missions across the globe, including “hot spots” from Baghdad to Beirut to Jerusalem to Taipei and Shanghai during her lengthy career with the US State Department.

These protests also seem to be using tactics we have seen in US regime change operations in Ukraine, Venezuela and Nicaragua in recent years. The protests become violent — attack authorities or bystanders — seeking to get the police to respond with violence to video the police and claim they are being violent against protesters.

China’s emergence as a world power threatens Washington’s aim to control other countries, their resources and populations worldwide.

Controlling resource-rich Eurasia, that includes the Middle East, along with Venezuelan world’s largest oil reserves, is a key US aim.

Cyberwar today is what blitzkrieg was to 20th century warfare, involving “irregular modes of conflict, including terror, crime, and militant social activism.”

US war on China by other means aims to marginalize, weaken, contain, and isolate the country — because of its sovereign independence, unwillingness to bend to US interests, and its growing political, economic, financial, and military development.

China has held a consistent, well-understood position on its sovereignty and territorial integrity that is recognized internationally in all world bodies.

Washington is openly violating three different signed agreements—Joint Communiques it made with China in 1972, 1979 and 1982—affirming that China is one country and Taiwan is a province of China.

The U.S. has broken its promises not to interrupt China’s efforts to reunify the island peacefully.

China does not want a war with the US. The US, however, is continually provoking China by using Taiwan as its scapegoat. The US Navy announced that two warships will be traveling through the Taiwan Strait. The reasoning? The military aims to demonstrate freedom of movement through international waters. In other words, they deliberately want to anger China.

APNews: Malaysia’s Mahathir says...

Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad accused the U.S. of trying to provoke a war in Taiwan.

“China has allowed Taiwan to remain by itself. No problem. They didn’t invade. If they wanted to invade, they could have invaded. They didn’t. But America is provoking (them) so that there can be a war, so that the Chinese will make the mistake of trying to occupy Taiwan,” the 97-year-old Mahathir said.

Nancy Pelosi began the subtle attack on China when she visited Taiwan and disregarded warnings from every intelligence agency. China repeatedly warned America not to interfere in its One China policy. Yet, Pelosi said she wants Taiwan to liberate Taiwan.

“We take this trip at a time when the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy,” Pelosi said. “We cannot stand by as the CCP proceeds to threaten Taiwan — and democracy itself,” Pelosi said in a statement. “Our congressional delegation’s visit should be seen as an unequivocal statement that America stands with Taiwan, our democratic partner, as it defends itself and its freedom.”

ArmstrongEconomics: Our models warn that geopolitical tensions will rise going into 2023. China is selling off US debt, which is another sign of coming geopolitical problems.

Bribed by the US, Taiwan is beginning to provoke China and its One China policy. The Ministry of National Defense (MND) has reported that they will begin to shoot down Chinese drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

The MND said that it plans to invest in anti-drone defense systems over the next four years to the tune of $141 million. There have been 23 drone spottings in Taiwan since Pelosi’s reckless visit. It should be worth noting that Taiwan donated 800 carpet bomber drones and 860 combat drones to Ukraine to combat Russia.

If the United States continues its high-risk policy of military brinkmanship with Russia and China, the outcome, however unthinkable, might be an Armageddon that results in the end of our nation.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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