13th Dec 2022

Is Ted Cruz Raping His Dauhter(s) - Ted Cruz’s daughter addresses speculation after self-inflicted stab wounds: ‘I’m not suicidal’

BBC: In case this slipped under your radar, we all woke up to the news that Texas Senator Ted Cruz, had fav ‘d a porn tweet on 9/11. What kind of porn, you may ask? Incest porn.

The Twitter account of Ted Cruz, the former lawyer who ran for US president in 2016, "liked" the two-minute video by @SexuallPosts on Monday.

Cruz joked to reporters that “perhaps we should have done something like this during the Indiana primary”. 

CBS: Ted Cruz's presidential campaign released an ad in which one actress in the spot had previously starred in soft-core pornography. 

According to BuzzFeed News, that woman, Amy Lindsay, had featured in movies with titles like "Erotic Confessions," "Carnal Wishes," and "Insatiable Desires."

GoodTherapy: Many children who are molested are too young to know what is happening and may not fight back.

Sexual abuse is any form of sexual violence, including rape, child molestation, incest, and similar forms of non-consensual sexual contact.

People who report their assaults often face retaliation. In 2014, 62% of female reporters said they faced retaliation. Many were shunned by colleagues or blamed for the assault.

And as always, there are people who side with the perpetrator instead of the victims. 

Despite being common, children who experience abuse do not always report it right away. This may be partly due to power the offender has over the child.

An offender will often threaten or manipulate the child to prevent them from disclosing the abuse.

Many survivors develop mental health conditions after sexual assault. Having a mental health concern does not make you “weak” or “broken.” People cope with trauma in different ways. 

There can be a link between self-harm and childhood trauma like physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect.

Ted Cruz’s daughter addresses speculation after self-inflicted stab wounds: ‘I’m not suicidal’ 

By Jami Ganz, NewYorkDailyNews

Sen. Ted Cruz’s teenage daughter is speaking out after she was hospitalized this week for reported self-inflicted stab wounds.

Caroline Cruz, 14, took to TikTok to address speculation regarding the self-inflicted stab wounds she reportedly sustained the day prior, which necessitated her being taken to the hospital.

Her TikTok account went viral after she began sharing lip-sync videos, discussing her dad's controversial conservative views and came out as being bisexual. 

“I wanted to address this on my own because the media is … causing my mental health to be exploited for their gain,” said Cruz. “I also don’t enjoy the assumptions on why I did what I did.”

The teen, who confirmed in the caption she was reading from a script, went on to dispel some conjecture.

“No, it had nothing to do with my sexuality or my father. I’m not suicidal but I am experiencing some mental issues,” she said, noting she’s “working through it and getting the help I need. Thank you so much for all the support and love, it means a lot to me. But the most traumatizing part of this experience is how public it’s been.”

While Cruz said she’s “feeling a lot better,” she asked those watching to not “make bold statements about what this is when you truly have no idea.”

Her social media accounts have since been made private.

Authorities were called to the Republican senator’s Houston home after reports of a 14-year-old with wounds on their arms.

“Thankfully, their daughter is okay,” his office said in a statement to KTRK. “There were no serious injuries.”

The purpose of self-harm 

HealthLine: When someone harms themselves by cutting, burning, punching, or engaging in other forms of self-injury (without intending for death to be an end goal), they’re engaging in what’s known as non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI).

People cut as a coping mechanism, according to Cornell University’s Self-Injury and Recovery Research and Resources (SIRRR). Self-harm can be a way for a person to feel something when experiencing numbness or to distract themselves from depression or anxiety. Some people cut to create a wound that can symbolize their emotional pain, while others use cutting as a way to avoid telling loved ones about their feelings.

There can be a link between self-harm and childhood trauma like physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect.

If you need immediate support to help stop cutting, call the self-injury hotline at 1-800-DON’T CUT. If you’re looking for therapy, visit S.A.F.E. Alternatives for some guidelines on how to find a professional who’s a good fit for you or your loved one. In the event of an emergency, your local hospital may require an evaluation at a psychiatric emergency room to ensure your safety.

Even Ted Cruz’s Daughter Is Scared of Him

Mediaite: While trying to execute a basic human subroutine in Iowa, Sen. Ted Cruz ran into a slight snag. Cruz’s heartfelt attempt to induce a charming photo-op backfired miserably as his daughter rebuffed his advances at a hug, using her finger to flick him away and screaming, “Ow! Ow! Ow!”

Mashable: Earlier in the day, Ted Cruz went to give his 7-year-old daughter Christine a hug and a kiss. But Christine didn't, um, feel the same way. She tried to keep it subtle.

"NO NO NO!" she shouted, as he went to embrace her.

Ted Cruz tries to get a hug from his daughter on campaign trail. (@VaraBBC) pic.twitter.com/jEQCcgRP68

— Breaking News Feed (@pzf) January 31, 2016

RollingStone: At a rally in South Bend, Indiana, young Caroline was happy to dance with her sister Catherine, but scampered away in horror when her father attempted to scoop her up in a hug. Such behavior has become a recurring theme on the trail: At a February campaign stop in Iowa, Caroline flicked her dad away when he tried to come in for a kiss, screeching, “Ow, ow, ow!”

Cops Found Ted Cruz's Wife on Roadside, Thought She Was a Danger to Herself

DailyMail: Ted Cruz's wife, Heidi, was once so depressed that a police officer wrote: "I believed that she was a danger to herself."

The incident happened in 2005 shortly after Heidi quit her high-powered job at the White House and moved to Austin, Texas, to be with her husband, who was state solicitor general.

Police responded to a 911 call about a woman in a pink shirt sitting next to an expressway and found Mrs. Cruz sitting on the ground ten feet from speeding traffic with her head in her hands.

The story appeared in Monday’s New York Times and was first reported by Buzzfeed.

The police report, which was published heavily redacted, states that 'Cruz related to me that she had been particularly [BLANK], for the past three weeks, and was currently [BLANK].

Common victim behaviors of survivors of sexual abuse 

NSVRC: People who sexually abuse usually target someone they know.

  • Nearly three out of four adolescents (74%) who have been sexually assaulted were victimized by someone they knew well (Kilpatrick, Saunders, & Smith, 2003).
  • One-fifth (21.1%) were committed by a family member (Kilpatrick, Saunders, & Smith, 2003).

PCAR: In light of the recent media coverage related to Caroline Cruz, the National Sexual Violence Resource Center would like to remind members of the media about normal behaviors that are common for survivors of sexual abuse:

It is common for survivors of sexual assault to initially deny they were abused.

Many survivors wait until well into their adult hood to share their secret.

We must look at the stories of children with the eyes of children and recognize that a 14-year-old girl has little language or understanding of human sexuality, and may have a very difficult time understanding that manipulation, abuse, exploitation and violence are not related to their own sexuality.

Delayed reporting of sexual abuse is a common, normal reaction from someone who has experienced traumatic events.

An adult understands and views sexuality very differently than a child. The knowledge we gain with experience and time can give us the tools to better understand an event that happened when he or she was younger. It is common for survivors to not name their experiences as abuse until they are in adulthood.

It is normal for a victim’s story to evolve throughout the investigative process.

Initially a victim may say nothing happened. It is not uncommon for victims to delay reporting sexual abuse or to deny that they were abused when they are initially questioned. Reasons could include fear of the stigma associated with the abuse, embarrassment and retaliation.

Many victims try to hide what is happening to them by outright denying it when others ask (including classmates who may make jokes, tease or bully them based on the irregular relationship they see or sense), and by making statements with false bravado.

No victim—whether a teenager, adult, male or female—should have their instinctive response to being sexually assaulted called in to question. No victim should be expected to prevent or interrupt their abuse. The fault for abuse lies squarely on the abuser.

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center identifies, develops and disseminates resources regarding all aspects of sexual violence prevention and intervention.

Why do so many women remain silent?

Most survivors of familial sexual abuse said they didn’t speak out about their trauma – either because they feared uprooting their childhood or were blocked from doing so. 85% of assaults go unreported.

PsychCentral: They blame themselves if they were in, in a position… say they were in a place where they feel like they shouldn’t have been or they were dressed in a way that they feel like they shouldn’t have been or they were drinking or on and on and on and on- they put the blame on themselves.

Many women don’t speak up, but sometimes they do and when they do … tell their mothers or the other women in their life and they’re not believed or they might be believed, but the mom says, and I’m going to quote from a comment I got from an article I wrote this week, ” I’ve got two kids to raise and, you know, I’m sorry your stepfather’s doing that to you, but there’s really nothing I can do. This is killing me. You’re making me choose.”

I see this so many times… that they dare to speak up and are not believed or are not protected by their moms.

When we think about sexual assault, we often think of physical force. However, many people are coerced into sex without physical pressure. This is known as sexual manipulation.

Sexual manipulation involves using words or actions to persuade an unwilling person to have sex. Sexual manipulation differs from flirting: while flirting might indicate romantic or sexual interest in someone else, sexual manipulation involves getting them to agree to sex when they actually don’t want to.

A person who is sexually manipulated might say yes and agree to sex because they are manipulated or threatened into doing so. Often, they feel like they can’t say no — if they do say no, they’ll be punished, hurt, or made to feel guilty. Alternatively, the manipulator might lie to them in order to get them to have sex under false pretenses.

Sexual manipulation tactics can be verbal or behavioral. Manipulators might use one or more of these tactics. While sexual manipulation can seem obvious and overt in some cases, it can also be subtle.

A term that’s gained popularity over the past few years, gaslighting refers to a form of manipulation where someone tries to control the way another person sees themselves and their own experiences. They might cause them to doubt their sanity, their memory, or their perception of the world.

Sexual violence happens in every community and affects people of all genders and ages. Sexual violence is any type of unwanted sexual contact. This includes words and actions of a sexual nature against a person’s will and without their consent. A person may use force, threats, manipulation, or coercion to commit sexual violence.

Although the definition of sexual assault can vary from country to country, most states include sexual coercion in their legal definition of assault. This is because sexual coercion means you aren’t freely giving your consent — you’re being manipulated into it.

It’s not always easy to walk away from a sexual manipulator if you’re dependent on them, for example, if they’re your parent, relative, landlord or boss.

If you’re having any difficulty you can contact:

The nonprofit organization End Violence Against Women International began the national Start By Believing Campaign in 2011, to promote positive responses to sexual assault survivors who disclose. As the campaign’s name suggests, a statement of belief can have a huge impact on sexual assault survivors, and can influence their decision whether or not to disclose their sexual assault again. Start By Believing also provides more tips on what to say and what not to say when someone confides in you they’ve been sexually assaulted.

NOTE: This is a totally free article, no subscriptions or pay walls, no ads or pop ups, no donation buttons or anything to join or buy. No spam! I do not profit from any of this. I am not running for any political office, nor do I endorse any candidates or political parties.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold to these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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