2nd Mar 2023

Israeli Military Plans to Invade Iran

By Shimon Sherman, IsraelToday

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen on Tuesday called on Washington to take steps to convince Tehran that the United States is not bluffing when it comes to the possibility of the use of force.

“If the United States does not establish a credible military threat immediately, either Israel will attack, or Iran will have a nuclear weapon, which we will not allow under any circumstance,” the foreign minister said.

US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides, speaking to the Conference of Presidents on Monday, said that “Israel can and should do whatever they need to deal with Iran.

“As President [Joe] Biden has said, we will not stand by and watch Iran get a nuclear weapon,” added Nides.


Israel is planning to launch an attack against Iran. How do we know this?

From 2010 to 2012, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak met on at least three separate occasions to discuss plans to invade Iran. And they would’ve gone through with it, too, if Gabi Ashkenazi, the chief of the Israel Defense Forces, hadn’t stopped them.

Three recordings that show Netanyahu and Barak discussing their plans were leaked onto the Internet. They came the closest to going through with it in 2010 but just needed to convince their ministers to support the plan. Ashkenazi, however, managed to talk them out of it with an impassioned speech about the lives that would be lost.

That didn’t totally stop them, though. In 2012, they ramped up plans again—and this time, it seems that the US Army was going to back them up. They were even running military drills to get ready for a joint invasion of Iran, although, for reasons unknown, they ended up calling the attack off.

Israel has repeatedly attacked and invaded all its contiguous neighbors, ever-protected from international sanctions by U.S. vetoes in the U.N. Security Council. Under the U.N. Charter armed aggression is permissible only for self-defense and Israel has never been invaded. Menachim Begin admitted in 1982 that Israel’s 1967 war was pre-emptive. The 1973 war was fought in the Sinai and Golan Heights, not in Israel, when Egypt and Syria attempted to regain their lands seized in 1967.

Three recordings show Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak discussing their plans to invade Iran.


By Peter Aitken, FOXNews

Israel will prepare for possible action against Iran’s nuclear facilities after a series of secret meetings between the prime minister and leaders from the defense and intelligence ministries, according to a leaked report.

"Israel will not allow Iran to become nuclear," Brigadier-General (Reserves) Amir Avivi, founder and chairman of the Israeli Defense Security Forum, told Fox News Digital. "As we are witnessing the continued unhindered progress of the Iranian military nuclear program with weapons-grade enrichment, Israel is readying its credible military option."

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held five meetings with his defense and intelligence chiefs, as well as the head of Mossad, to discuss the possible attack, local news outlet Channel 12 reported. The report did not name any source, and The Times of Israel speculated that officials could have leaked the report in order to make clear the country’s resolve and intent.

Tensions between Israel and Iran have flared in recent weeks after a drone strike hit Iranian military facilities, with Iran claiming "early investigations suggest that the Israeli regime were responsible for this attempted act of aggression."

Express: Israel’s top military chief has said the army is preparing to combat the threat posed by Iran and has ordered US President Joe Biden not to return to the Iran nuclear deal - even if the accord is strengthened. Lieutenant General Aviv Kohavi has said it would be “bad and wrong” for the US to sign back up to the international treaty and warned the Israeli army has been instructed to “prepare a number of operational plans”.

Speaking at Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies, Lieutenant General Kohavi said: “A return to the 2015 nuclear agreement, or even if it is a similar accord with several improvements, is bad and wrong from an operational and strategic point of view.”

He said the military has been placed on standby for any developments.

Trita Parsi, an analyst from the Washington based Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, said there was a real prospect of Israel going to war.

Iran’s army ground forces commander Kiumars Heydari announced that the Iranian military is ready to attack some of the major cities in Israel should tensions escalate.

“Upon an order of the Supreme Leader of the [Islamic] Revolution, we will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground for any mistake made by the enemy (Israel),” he said. READ MORE: Plan to Attack Iran

Iran Can Make Material For One Nuclear Bomb In Just 12 Days: Pentagon Official

By Kent MasingInternationalBusinessTimes

Iran could make enough material for a nuclear device in less than two weeks, Colin Kahl, the under secretary for policy of the Department of Defense said Tuesday, down from the estimated one year it would have taken while the Iran nuclear deal was in effect.

"Back in 2018, when the previous administration decided to leave the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), it would have taken Iran about 12 months to produce one bomb's worth of fissile material. Now it would take about 12 days," he added of Iran's "breakout time."

Iran has produced uranium particles enriched to up to 83.7% purity, Reuters reported, citing a confidential report by the U.N. nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) seen by the outlet. It means the country is very close to producing weapons-grade uranium with 90% purity.

In May 2018, then-President Donald Trump abandoned JCPOA and reinstated all U.S. sanctions on Iran to force the country to negotiate a new agreement that would also cover its ballistic missile program.


TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel's foreign minister said Thursday that the Gulf Arab state of Oman has decided to allow Israeli planes to fly through its airspace. The announcement was another sign of closer ties between Israel and some Arab countries.

The move comes on the heels last year of a similar step by Saudi Arabia, and would shorten the flying distance between Israel and Asia.

The sultanate has long had a low-key role in fostering negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians. Oman, which sits on the southeastern tip of the Arabian Peninsula, with Saudi Arabia to its north and Iran to its east, also has a long record of being a quiet broker in the region, opting to stay on the sidelines of the rivalry between the two regional powerhouses.


DailyAdvocate: Persia is mentioned by name in the Bible 29 times. Persia changed its name to Iran in March of 1935. Whenever you read about Persia in the Scriptures, you are reading about the land of modern-day Iran.

One of the Bible’s most fascinating prophecies involves Persia, King Cyrus of Persia, to be exact. The Bible usually does not mention names in prophecy. Examples – we know there will be an Antichrist, but we do not know his name. Prophecy told us there would be a forerunner to Christ, but we did not know his name would be John the Baptist. However, in the case of King Cyrus, the prophet Isaiah told us of Cyrus, by name, 200 years before his birth (Isaiah 44:28; 45:1).

Ezekiel chapters 38-39 describes an invasion of Israel. This attack is a massive coalition of nations intent on destroying Israel. The countries involved are: Russia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Ethiopia, Lebanon, North Korea and China.

Psalm 83 has Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and the area of Gaza (Egypt is excluded), rising for the purpose to “cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.”

The result of the battle in Psalms is devastation. Not only of the invaders but also of Israel. Israel will win, but it will be severely crippled. The actions described in Psalm 83 could be the catalyst that brings Israel, the Antichrist, and the nations of the world to the negotiating table, bringing about the treaty mentioned above and the feeling of security for Israel. READ MORE: Who is the Anti-Christ?

Ezekiel 38:9 talks about the invaders ascending like a storm and covering the land like a cloud. The number of troops must be overwhelming.

Ezekiel 38:13 refers to the “young lions.” This is a Biblical mention of the United States. The young lions, along with others, try to stop the attack with negotiations but are unsuccessful.

During the invasion, there is a worldwide earthquake. While the mountains are crumbling around them, confusion and fear cause the armies to turn upon themselves (Ezekiel 38:20-21). God also sends giant hailstones mingled with fire and brimstone from the sky referring to a nuclear war (Ezekiel 38:22).

Eighty-four percent of Russia’s army dies on the battlefield. One can safely assume the casualty numbers for Iran would be comparable – astronomically high (Ezekiel 39:1-5).

It will take seven months to bury the dead and seven years to clean up the mess (Ezekiel 39:9,12-13).


JaShow: The remarkable prophecy below by one of the greatest of ancient Hebrew prophets – never before literally fulfilled in history – predicts that a great power to the far north of Israel and a coalition of nations – a massive horde of people, will attack Israel and be destroyed supernaturally by God on the mountains of Israel. God promises this day is coming.

The historically miraculous rebirth of the Jewish state in 1948, after 2,000 years of nonexistence, and the conquering of East Jerusalem during the Six-Day War in 1967 and other factors seems to have set the stage for a time clock of sorts relative to the upcoming “last days” of Israel and the fulfillment of many remaining prophecies relevant to that period. And, indeed, today Russia, a great power to Israel’s far north and the Muslim nations, particularly Iran, are growing increasingly intertwined and hostile toward Israel.

Again, we know these prophecies concern future events because they have not been fulfilled literally in the past and because they are clearly declared to be prophecies by God Himself: “It is coming! It will surely take place, declares the sovereign Lord. This is the day I have spoken of” (Ezekiel 39:7-8).


ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iranian attacks in the waterways of the Middle East and elsewhere in the region “have the attention of everyone” as tensions rise over Tehran's advancing nuclear program, the head of the U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet said Tuesday.

Vice Adm. Brad Cooper also told The Associated Press that he's seen a rise in what he described as Iran's “malign activities” in the region over his two years leading the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet.

While Cooper pointed to recent seizures of weapons by American and allied forces in the region as a success, he acknowledged that Iran has been able to carry out drone attacks targeting shipping in the Mideast and other assaults in the region.

The 5th Fleet patrols the crucial Strait of Hormuz, the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf through which 20% of all oil transits. Its region also stretches as far as the Red Sea up to the Suez Canal, the waterway in Egypt linking the Mideast to the Mediterranean Sea, and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait off Yemen.

But concerns about Iran have only grown in recent months as Tehran enriches uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels and has enough fissile material for several nuclear bombs if it chooses to build them.

Iran also has briefly seized several of the American drones being tested in the region in late August and early September.

“The Iranian attempted seizures were flagrant. They were unwarranted. They were certainly unprofessional, but most importantly, they were a gross violation of international law,” Cooper said.


By Courtney Kube and Mosheh Gains, NBCNews

A four-star Air Force general sent a memo on Friday to the officers he commands that predicts the U.S. will be at war with China in two years and tells them to get ready to prep by firing "a clip" at a target, and "aim for the head."

In the memo sent Friday and obtained by NBC News, Gen. Mike Minihan, head of Air Mobility Command, said, “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me will fight in 2025.”

Air Mobility Command has nearly 50,000 service members and nearly 500 planes and is responsible for transport and refueling.

Minihan said in the memo that because both Taiwan and the U.S. will have presidential elections in 2024, the U.S. will be “distracted,” and Chinese President Xi Jinping will have an opportunity to move on Taiwan.

An AMC spokesperson confirmed in a statement Friday that the memo is real: “This is an authentic internal memo from General Minihan addressed to his subordinate command teams. His order builds on last year’s foundational efforts by Air Mobility Command to ready the Mobility Air Forces for future conflict, should deterrence fail.”

In March 2021, Adm. Philip Davidson, then commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, told a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing that “Taiwan is clearly one of [China’s] ambitions.

I think the threat is manifest during this decade, in fact, in the next six years,” said Davidson.

When asked earlier this month whether a Chinese invasion of Taiwan was imminent, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, said, “What we’re seeing recently, is some very provocative behavior on the part of China’s forces and their attempt to re-establish a new normal.”


By Maureen Groppe, USAToday

WASHINGTON – Moscow suspending a nuclear arms treaty. The possibility of China arming the Russian military.

The last remaining arms treaty between the world’s two largest nuclear powers has collapsed and there will be no limits on U.S. and Russian nuclear forces for the first time since the 1970s. The risks of a nuclear launch – intentional or otherwise – will rise.

“A world without nuclear arms control is a far more dangerous and unstable one,” said U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Tuesday he is suspending Moscow’s participation in New START, the last remaining nuclear arms reduction deal between the U.S. and Russia. It limits the number of long-range nuclear warheads Russia and the U.S. can have, including those that can reach the U.S. in about 30 minutes.

Putin ordered Russian nuclear forces on high combat alert shorty after invading Ukraine last February. In December, he said Russia would continue maintaining and improving the combat readiness of nuclear weapons that can be fired from land, air and sea.

Without arms control, the U.S. and Russian nuclear arsenals could double in size, according to the Federation of American Scientists. Each nation could dramatically and quickly increase the number of nuclear weapons ready to launch on short notice, said Hans M. Kristensen, director of the federation’s Nuclear Information Project.

“Such an increase would be extraordinarily destabilizing and dangerous, especially with a full-scale war raging in Europe and Russia buckling under the strain of unprecedented sanctions,” Kristensen wrote last year.

Since the invasion, China has helped Russia economically buy buying its oil and gas. China has also sold Russia drones, microchips and other technologies that have both commercial and military applications. But Beijing hasn’t allowed Russia to buy ammunition, artillery, armed drones and other weapons.

That could change. Top Biden administration officials warned this week they have intelligence suggesting China is considering providing lethal support to Russia.

China’s economy is already struggling. But major sanctions against China – which is a much bigger economic player than Russia – would also have blowback effects on the U.S. and other nations.

Tensions have been rising with China, which the U.S. considers its biggest strategic and economic competitor. Even before the Biden administration shot down a Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina this month, the nations have clashed over Taiwan, technology, human rights, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and other issues.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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