18th Jul 2022

J-6 "Bay of Pigs" or "Helter Skelter"

Trump worked with Rudy Giuliani in New York in the 1980's to bust the New York mafia, don't you remember? And then Trump went undercover in the '90's to help the FBI bust the Russian mafia, don't you remember? READ MORE: Trump’s Long History With The FBI: In 1981, He Offered To “Fully Cooperate” (Buzz Feed News) and Donald Trump FBI Informant? (Bill Lawence Online) 

Donald Trump is a snitch and an informant and has been working for the government.  

But what happened on Jan. 6th was a pure set up. What does not make any sense is that the insurrecton was being led by ex-military and militia (the Oath Keepers) so, you would think that they would know the difference between a good strategy, a bad strategy and a set up. Right? What is strategy? The art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle. Often contrasted with tactics (see tactic).

Before the official 'stop the steal' rally in DC plans were already under way to hold pro-Trump rallies across the U.S. at every state capitol in the union. This was pure grass roots, and it was spreading like wildfire. This was real, this was organic and it was hijacked by Roger Stone and the deep state at the direction of Donald Trump and Michael Flynn. READ MORE: Oath Keeper had ‘death list’ naming Georgia election officials leading up to Jan. 6 attack, DOJ says (WSB Cox)  

This genuinely scared the powers that be. The NSA reported the chit chatter on the internet. The FBI said it could not guarantee that all state capitols would be safe. And that one success would embolden others. So, the FBI said it would be much easier to control the protest, if they could infiltrate the rally, control it and get everyone to protest at just one location, like the Capitol. But how? To pull it off, their der leader would be there, giving speeches, making empty promises. Ginni Thomas would even pay for the buses that brought the protesters to DC. 

Michael Stenger, the Senate Sergeant at Arms who was in charge of Senate security the day of the Capitol riot said in his opening statement to Congress on February 23, 2021. “There is an opportunity to learn lessons from the events of January 6th.” “Investigations should be considered as to funding and travel of what appears to be professional agitators.”

Stenger added. “The events of January 6th went beyond disobedience. This was a violent, coordinated attack where the loss of life could have been much worse.”

Extremists' groups were invited / given a tour of the Capitol a day before the riot. The same way that McCain and Brzezinski armed ISIS and the Taliban. READ MORE: The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan Took photos and videos with known terrorist. In Laos and Afghanistan, the U.S. armed 10-year children with AK's and AR-15's to fight our wars of aggression and blood for oil. As the 67th United States Secretary of State, under President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton authorized it and that makes Hillary a war criminal. Mass shootings today of American school children are just another example of the chickens coming home to roost. READ MORE: Hillary’s War Crime (Foriegn Poliy Journal) and Hillary Clinton calls the Russian bombing of maternity hospital a ‘war crime’: Here’s the sordid US track record she conveniently glosses over (Opindia) and My father fought the CIA's secret war in Laos (BBC)

Like JFK, Trump called off his Bay of Pigs, left his followers out to dry

But, Trump mislead his followers like Charles Manson misled the family. Trump was President of the United States of America though, and told his followers he'd declare an insurrection law and martial law so that there would be no consequences to their actions. When Trump betrayed his followers and did not declare an insurrection, they did just like the Manson family and tried to pin their crimes on African Americans. Trump supporters blamed Black Lives Matter (BLM) while the Manson family spray painted 'die pig die' to blame the Black Panther Party for their crimes and start a race war. No one believed the Manson family, and no one believes Trump's deplorables either. READ MORE: Oath Keepers will tell a jury they believed Donald Trump would turn them into his own personal militia on January 6 (Business Insider)  

I'm about to drop some intel on you that no one will believe, not conservatives, not liberals and not independents but I'll drop it anyways.  

Trump is as deep state as you can get.

Dear Readers: DO NOT believe your corporate masters that everyone who hates Trump loves Hillary and vice versa. NO, your whole fucking system is corrupt, and you have been divided and conquered because you're that fucking stupid. 


Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush are all working together. It's like the WWE, I know Americans can't tell the difference between acting and reality because Americans are as dumb as bricks. So, let me try and explain it to you. I'll write this as slow as I can so that you might be able to understand it. Politicians are like the WWE they put on a show for the audience or for the voters that makes it appear they are at odds with each other and have irreconcilable differences but behind the scenes they belong to the same country clubs, their kids go to the same private schools and like a boxer in the ring they are paid to take a fall, sometimes it's the democrat that takes a dive in round three and sometimes it's the republican taking the dive. The republicans and democrats are two wings of the same bird. They both use wedge issues like gun control or abortion to divide and conquer voters against each other. READ MORE: On U.S. Foreign Policy, the New Boss Acts a Lot Like the Old One (The New York Times)

Trump is a CIA covert operation. Trump was accused of being pro-Putin, but nothing could be further from the truth. It's a front. When the Russians finished Nordstream 2 and could supply Europe with oil the powers that be, the U.S. oligarchs lost patience, Biden pushed Russia to invade Ukraine and is now trying to get China to invade Taiwan and start world war three. Trump is the fall back plan to make peace with Putin if NATO loses.

Speaking with New York Magazine, Trump indicated he has already made a decision to launch a 2024 campaign but has not determined when to make his announcement. Trump signaled he is weighing an announcement either before or after the midterm elections in November.

For all of you dumb sons of bitches that think Trump & family are going to prison, answer me this WHY are BUSH & CHENEY STILL FREE? Because you're a big fat pussy that won't do a damn thing even when your own leaders are fucking WAR CRIMINALS.

Four-star NATO general Wesley Clarke named seven countries that Bush was supposed to overthrow. When Bush failed it then fell to Obama who played mop up and expanded the wars into Libya, Syria and Yemen, just as Clark said would happen four years earlier. The democrats who had run on a platform of peace and bringing the troops home instead expanded the so-called 'war on terror' and followed Bush/Cheney's deep state plans to control the Middle East oil supply and build a competing oil pipeline into Europe. 

To get an insight into how ruthless and brazen the neocons became during the George W. years, just watch this video of General Wesley Clarke talking about the war plans circulating in the Pentagon, orders handed down from the White House.

Trump failed miserably at regime change in Iran, North Korea and Venezuela. But picked up where Obama left off. READ MORE: Trump Imposes Sanctions To Stop Nord Stream 2 – But It’s Too late (Forbes)

But how can Trump possibly get re-elected? If the stock market does crash during Biden's term as Trump predicted (see video below) American banks are heavily invested in the stock market and would go bankrupt. This is the opening that Trump needs to claim that he and he alone can fix the economy. But remember that this crash was decided back in 2018 when Trump threatened to fire the FED chairman Jermome Powell unless he stopped raising interest rates. Powell backed off and in exchange Trump and Powell pumped 6 trillion dollars of stimulus money into the global economy creating todays inflation. When you have more dollars chasing fewer goods and services you have inflation. And the only tool that the FED has to fight inflation just happens to be? Raising interest rates, which the FED has done since Biden took office. But raisng interest rates has also made the stock market go down. Cash due to inflation will beome worthless, this way cash that is truley anonymous can be replaced in what is being called 'the great reset' and digital currencies (like Bitcoin) can morph or evolve into the mark-of-the-beast. A total system of control. READ MORE: President Trump Reportedly Discussed Firing Federal Reserve Chairman Over Interest Rates and Stock Market Losses (Time) and Trump battled the Powell Fed's rate hikes. Biden's betting on them (Yahoo News) and Introducing the ‘Great Reset,’ world leaders’ radical plan to transform the economy (The Hill)

Jan. 6 You say that you want a revolution, but I'm here to call bullshit. Trump supporters are no better than Obama's supporters, you're both on your kness to your false idols. Drinking the Kool-Aid. You think someone will wave a magic wand and bring your jobs back because you're too dumb to know what you're suppose to do other than to vote and to protest. But if you vote in America there's only two parties to choose from, the hippy party or the Nazi party. And in America they won't even let you kneel. Uh, I mean protest.

In America you're forced to pledge allegiance to the war machine, to police brutality, to blood for oil, to racism, to sexism, to ageism, to inequality, to bigotry or be bullied, blacklisted and receive death threats until you conform or are murdered.

It's capitalism for the poor and socialism for the wealthy. The rich get richer, and the poor get children. The U.S. oligarchs get the public investment and privatize the profits. They get to write our laws (lobbysit), bribe officials to pass those laws (PAC's), seat conservative judges to uphold those laws. Crash the economy and get the taxpayer bailout(s).

The Republicans and democrats are crooks and criminals who use the ballot box to hold onto power. America is being looted by war profiteers and promise makers.

Republicans and Democrats have DENIED YOU a safe place to live. DENIED YOU a decent education. DENIED YOU affordable housing. Stole over $25 trillion with nothing to show for it. CAN'T fix the HWYS or WIN a war. Now they WANT four more years, are you dumb enough to support this??

Trump could've ripped up NAFTA the same way that he ripped up the Iran deal but he didn't. Why? Because Trump is deep state. Trump works for the corporations and oligarchs not for we the people. Did you really believe the super rich would allow the poor people in this ountry to just vote their way out of the mess that they created?

Jan. 6 You say that you want a revolution, but I'm here to call bullshit. A real revolution is never fought at the ballot box. Had America's founding fathers fought like today's militias we'd all still be subjects of the crown. Anyone who divides Americans against each other should be seen as the real enemy. For no house divided against itself can stand. 

What's next? Do you remember what happens when big government gets into bed with big business? It's always the same. They breed fascism, look it up, it's a fact. Like mixing black and white will always make grey. I have no reason to make things up. People like me will be rounded up and executed. Fascism has no room for criticism, it will consume everything around it until there is nothing left.

We the people are ill prepared for such brute force and violence. And so, the people will simply do as they are told, as they have always done while hoping for better days. Do not deceive yourselves about a people's uprising because it will never materialize. The government is forced to respond to every peaceful demonstration with police in riot gear with military grade equipment at the ready.

Protesting is futile. Direct actions disrupt and cause monetary damages, but the pain is short lived, and nothing changes. Voting has led to the continuation of one corrupt party or the other. We have voted out the whole top tier of the US government and yet the thugs and criminals are still there, still in power, as brutal as ever.

What can we the people possibly do to return America to a functioning Republic with three branches of government?

Voting got us into this mess. Voting sure as he'll won't get us out of it.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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