4th Oct 2022

Plan to Attack Iran

OilPrice: Iran claims that Washington is "procrastinating" in indirect negotiations to revive a landmark nuclear deal and said a prisoner swap with the United States was not linked to the nuclear talks.

Iran Accuses The EU And U.S. Of Stalling Nuclear Talks 

"The Americans are procrastinating and there is inaction from the European sides.... America and Europe need an agreement more than Iran," he said, adding Tehran wanted a sustainable deal that would preserve what it called its legitimate rights.

Iran concluded the Joint Comprehensive Plan Of Action (JCPOA) in 2015 with the United States, France, Germany, Britain, Russia, and China. The deal saw Iran agree to limit its enrichment of uranium under the watch of UN inspectors in exchange for the lifting of most economic sanctions.

In 2018, Washington unilaterally withdrew from the nuclear pact under then-President Donald Trump, reintroducing crippling sanctions. Iran reacted by gradually backtracking on its obligations under the deal, such as uranium enrichment.

Iran has sought to obtain guarantees that no future U.S. president would renege on the JCPOA if it were revived. However, President Joe Biden cannot provide such ironclad assurances because the deal is a political understanding rather than a legally binding treaty.

Israel waging ‘intensive campaign’ to prevent signing of nuclear accord, Lapid says 

Israel is carrying out an “intensive campaign” to prevent the revival of the “dangerous” nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid told the weekly Cabinet meeting.

His comments come after the United States characterized Tehran’s latest response to efforts to revive the 2015 nuclear accord as “not constructive.”

Lapid said the government was “hard at work” on the campaign, citing Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who is responsible for the Iran portfolio.

Mossad Director David Barnea will head for Washington, D.C., on Monday for a series of meetings to express Israel’s position to the Biden administration about the dangers of an agreement, the prime minister added.

The post Israel waging ‘intensive campaign’ to prevent signing of nuclear accord, Lapid says appeared first on JNS.org.

What should Israel’s strategy be for the day after a nuke deal with Iran? 

While Israel has urged the United States not to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or Iran nuclear deal, recent signs point to a revived agreement. This has shifted discussion in Israel from how to prevent a deal to what strategy to adopt the day after one is signed.

Israel has made it clear that it does not consider itself bound by any agreement that might be reached. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid told foreign correspondents on Aug. 24, “If a deal is signed, it does not obligate Israel. We will act to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state.”

Many analysts believe this action must be military.

“If we cannot stop Iran from having a nuclear weapon by other means, we shall have to do it militarily,” Israel Defense Forces Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, a fellow at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, told JNS.

Kuperwasser is less worried about Israel’s technical capability to conduct a strike than its political ability, noting Israel will have to make the decision in the face of American opposition. “We’re caught in a very difficult tension between our commitment to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear … state and our commitment to our relations with the United States,” he said.

He outlined a four-part action plan for Israel in a post-deal reality:

1. Israel must continue its covert operations to undermine Iran’s capabilities;

2. Israel must continue warning the United States that it reserves the right to take action against Iran;

3. Israel must build up its military capabilities for the time when it’s required to take action

4. It must work with the Gulf States to make sure they “don’t cross the line,” meaning drift into Iran’s orbit.

Expounding on the last point, Kuperwasser said, “Israel can always be counted on as a strong opponent of Iran. It’s always going to be seen as the one country that is courageous enough to hit Iran when necessary. The problem is the way these countries are going to look at the United States. If the United States allows Iran to become the hegemonic power in the Middle East, that may affect the attitudes of some of these pragmatic states towards Iran. They will say to themselves, ‘Why should we be living in tension and confrontation with a country on the verge of becoming a nuclear power? We need to have better relations with it.’ ”

Efraim Inbar, president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security (JISS), goes still further, saying that the Abraham Accords will disintegrate if Israel doesn’t act against Iran.

“The Abraham Accords are basically a deal between Israel and the Gulf States. They will give us peace—a warm peace. They will accept us as partners [under U.S.] Central Command. And we will take care of Iran. They didn’t come for technology or for money. They can buy everything they want,” he said.

Inbar said it appears Israel’s only option is to attack, and the window it has to do so is “within a year.”

Even though he said regime change has not been seriously tried, he doesn’t see that as a likely option given the ruthlessness of the ayatollahs in suppressing dissent. “Also, I don’t think covert operations will do the trick,” he added.

Inbar’s recommendations resemble those of Kuperwasser. He said Israel can’t attack immediately, not until Iran violates the deal. Israel should use the time to “refresh” its attack plans and practice executing them, while continuing its covert actions inside Iran. It should also foster its relations with the Gulf States.

He’s confident that Israel can inflict serious damage to Iran’s nuclear infrastructure and weather the criticism from the United States and the world in the aftermath.

“Words don’t hurt. We can live with them,” he said.

“Don’t forget that a part of the American political system favors an attack, particularly the Republican Party, but also within the Democratic Party. The 2015 deal went against the majority of public opinion and against the majority of Congress. And this has not drastically changed,” he noted.

The dilemma for Israel is whether to strike soon and do some damage or wait to develop better plans, Inbar said. In the meantime, Iran will strengthen the defenses around its nuclear sites.

Kuperwasser agreed: “The Iranians are going to use this time to increase considerably their air defense systems; their ability to strike back. Every day that passes makes it more difficult and more costly.”

“But we, too, are improving our capabilities,” he added.

The post What should Israel’s strategy be for the day after a nuke deal with Iran? appeared first on JNS.org.

United States Gives Israel Hints that It Will Use Military Option Against Iran

Ahead of speculation that the United States government will re-enter a nuclear deal with Iran, US officials have re-assured Defense Minister Benny Gantz that the US has a credible military option against Iran.

According to a report by The Times of Israel, an Israeli defense official claimed to have received “good hints” with regards to the US having a functional offensive plan against Iran. The Israeli official did not provide specifics, but claimed that this offensive plan could make Iran become more flexible throughout the negotiation process of the nuclear agreement.

If Iran does not yield, the Israeli official claimed that the US would be prepared to join Israel in taking military action against Iran.

The official claimed that US National Security adviser Jake Sullivan had an “intimate” and “positive” meeting with Gantz. During this meeting, Gantz was adamant about how a renewed deal was “very bad.”

According to the official, Iran’s nuclear program has grown significantly since 2018 when the administration of former President Donald Trump exited the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The official believes that Trump’s decision to exit the deal was a mistake.

Now, the official maintains that Israel faces the following two scenarios:

No agreement, allowing Iran to gradually expand its nuclear program further, or a bad deal that does not serve Israel’s interests.

Recent riots in Iran orchestrated by US, Israeli regime

(Reuters) -Iran, which has blamed "foreign enemies" for protests that swept the country after the death of a woman in morality police custody, said it had arrested nine European nationals for their role in the unrest.

The detention of citizens of Germany, Poland, Italy, France, the Netherlands, Sweden and other countries is likely to ratchet up tensions between Iran and Western countries over the death of Mahsa Amini.


State television said "unidentified armed individuals" opened fire on a police station in the southeastern city of Zahedan, prompting security forces to return fire. Nineteen people were killed, including security forces, the provincial governor told state television. Twenty people were injured.

State media reported that the elite Revolutionary Guards' intelligence chief in Sistan and Baluchistan province was killed in Zahedan during clashes with "terrorists".

A video on social media showed aid being given to several injured protesters by their comrades, one of whom was trying to limit bleeding from a man who appeared to be shot in the neck.

Reuters could not verify the footage.

Amid reports of a planned student strike, authorities said Zahedan university will hold distance learning until Oct. 8, the semi-official news agency ISNA reported.

Internet watchdog NetBlocks said on Twitter that Live network data show a regional internet disruption in effect in Zahedan.

Southeastern Iran, home to the Baluch ethnic minority, has also seen demonstrators torching government offices in at least one city. State news agency IRNA said an attempt to assassinate a judge in the town of Saravan had failed.

The US is the only country in the present-day world that has carried out “hybrid wars” and is capable of creating “color revolutions.” For many years, the US has been openly waging a “hybrid war” against Russia. The most important point in the National Security Strategy published by the Trump administration at the end of 2017 is designating both China as well as Russia as “revisionist power[s]” that “challenge US power, influences and interests.” This once again confirms an undeniable reality: the US is already engaging in a “hybrid war” against China.

Hong Kong democracy activists were caught on camera meeting with Julie Eadeh the political unit chief of US Consulate General in Hong Kong during the protests.

Exposing the identity of Eadeh greatly upset the United States and resulted in the US calling China a “thuggish regime” for identifying her. Protesters did not understand the concerns they said, since they had met with US officials in DC. Eadeh has been engaged in diplomatic missions across the globe, including “hot spots” from Baghdad to Beirut to Jerusalem to Taipei and Shanghai during her lengthy career with the US State Department.

These protests also seem to be using tactics we have seen in US regime change operations in Ukraine, Venezuela and Nicaragua in recent years. The protests become violent — attack authorities or bystanders — seeking to get the police to respond with violence to video the police and claim they are being violent against protesters.

The ideological seeds of color revolutions are sown long before anti-government movements organize mass demonstrations and engage in violent confrontations with the police.

U.S.-Sponsored Color Revolutions

Le Monde Diplomatique reported in 2008: “The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was created in 1983, ostensibly as a non-profit-making organization to promote human rights and democracy. In 1991 its first president, the historian Allen Weinstein, confessed to The Washington Post: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

Through its four core organizations: the American Center for International Labour Solidarity led by the AFL-CIO now known as the Solidarity Center, the Center for International Private Enterprise, led by the US Chamber of Commerce; the National Republican Institute; and the National Democratic Institute, led by leaders of the two big business parties, NED has developed a much more sophisticated regime change operation. NED invests in non-governmental organizations, youth leaders and media to gradually build opposition to the target government.

Look at Guatemala, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, etc. In all these countries, the United States intervened to install what vividly were non-democratic forms of government, or in other words, military governments. And that should provide an indication of what the United States is actually doing. It’s not supporting democracy; it’s intervening to actually crush democracy and crush any sovereign government which might emerge. And this is the systematic modus operandi throughout the world which has been implemented either through military interventions or through covert means by attempting to overthrow a government and replace it with a proxy government which would obey all the orders of the United States.

Chile in 1973 is a good example of a democracy which was overthrown and a military regime was installed under President Augusto Pinochet. 

Iran condemns US, EU involvement in supporting nationwide protests

Tehran clapped back at efforts by the U.S. and the European Union to aid nationwide protests that have swept Iran following the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini while in police custody earlier this month.

Over the weekend, the EU said it would consider all "options at its disposal" to crack down on Tehran.

NYPost: “Today, the enemies’ most important hope for striking a blow at the country is based on popular protests,” Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said, alluding to a week-long protest over the collapse of a building in southwestern Iran last month that killed 37 people.

"The EU's deafening silence and over-compliance with the U.S. unlawful unilateral sanctions as well as widespread and systematic violations of the human rights of innocent Iranian people…is emblematic of its double standards vis-à-vis human rights," he claimed on Instagram.

The US and its allies are waging a “psychological war” against Iran, he said, by calling the country out for piracy for seizing two Greek ships — after the US confiscated Iranian oil from a tanker, Reuters reported Saturday.

“They hope to turn the people against the Islamic establishment and the Islamic Republic through psychological work, activities on the internet and cyberspace … and by spending money and recruiting mercenaries.”

Similarly, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani accused the West of "opportunism" and claimed Washington was using the unrest to further weaken Tehran.

"By continuing the failed policy of maximum pressure and economic terrorism, the U.S. Administration is the biggest violator of the Iranian nation's rights, and it pretends to be a supporter of the Iranian people by making unproven claims and adopting deceptive positions," he said.

"Washington is always trying to weaken Iran's stability and security although it has been unsuccessful," Kanaani said in a statement.

Officials say the collapse of the 10-story residential and commercial building in Abadan was due to corrupt local authorities and poor safety regulations. They said that 13 people, including mayors and other officials, have so far been arrested for construction violations.

The US, which has imposed tough sanctions on Iran, confiscated the Iranian oil cargo on the Iranian-flagged Pegas that Greece impounded off its coast in April. Tehran retaliated by seizing two Greek ships on May 27.

While media from around the world accused Iran of piracy, Khamenei responded: “Who is the pirate here? You stole our oil. We took it back from you. Taking back a stolen good is no theft.”

The Israeli Plan To Invade Iran

From 2010 to 2012, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak met on at least three separate occasions to discuss plans to invade Iran. And they would’ve gone through with it, too, if Gabi Ashkenazi, the chief of the Israel Defense Forces, hadn’t stopped them.

Three recordings that show Netanyahu and Barak discussing their plans were leaked onto the Internet. They came the closest to going through with it in 2010 but just needed to convince their ministers to support the plan. Ashkenazi, however, managed to talk them out of it with an impassioned speech about the lives that would be lost.

That didn’t totally stop them, though. In 2012, they ramped up plans again—and this time, it seems that the US Army was going to back them up. They were even running military drills to get ready for a joint invasion of Iran, although, for reasons unknown, they ended up calling the attack off. 

That Time John Bolton Promised Regime Change In Iran Before 2019

The US president has just authorized aggressive sanctions against Iran after a highly dishonest speech to the American people, and a well-funded extremist group (the MEK) is the "viable opposition" to the government of that country with the blessings of the CIA and the president's bloodthirsty National Security Advisor.

Who is the MEK? The "People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran", also known as the "Mojahedin-e Khalq" or "MEK" is a group of a few thousand people who are widely considered a cult, using very cult-like methods of indoctrination including exerting control over the personal and sex lives of its members and forcing them to go through weekly "ideological cleansings".

Previously listed as a terrorist organization by the US government because it has killed Americans and has an extensive history of committing acts of terrorism, in 2012 the MEK was taken off the State Department's terrorist list by than Secretary of State and virulent Iran hawk Hillary Clinton. As noted in 2012 by the New York Times, a bizarre amount of lobbying went into getting MEK taken off the terror list. Among those lobbying for the move was former CIA Director James Woolsey and other CIA affiliates. Rudy Giuliani, one of former President Trump's attorneys, led a "regime change" chant at an MEK event in March.

Newt's Plan to Overthrow Iran: Bombs, Hackers, Popes and Oil

Wired: There isn't much time. Iran's nuclear program is advancing. That's a "mortal threat to the United States," Gingrich believes. But the problem isn't limited to the Iranian bomb: The weapon is merely a symptom of the malignancy of the Iranian government, which Gingrich believes must be toppled if America is to be saved from nuclear bombs detonating in unsuspecting heartland supermarkets.

How to overthrow the Iranian regime? Gingrich has floated a variety of tactics. Some days, he suggests unleashing bombs and cyber attacks. Other days he thinks all you need are a few radio broadcasts, deniable assassinations, the good intentions of the Iranian people -- and, just maybe, the moral force of the leader of the Catholic Church. Either way, Gingrich is promising a reckoning with Tehran. And he's going to have "so much fun" doing it.

The choice for Gingrich is between that campaign and a global catastrophe. Earlier this month, Gingrich foresaw an economic nightmare if the Iranians follow through on their threat to close a waterway through which a fifth of the world's oil flows. "If they close the Straits of Hormuz, you have an industrial depression across the planet within 48 hours," Gingrich said.

Blood for Oil

It wasn’t even a secret plan. It was published on the internet and in political journals as the Project for the New American Century, and in books such as The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski.  

Biden, Trump and Obama have all followed Bush and Cheney's deep state plans to destroy the entire Middle East and to build the United States of Israel from the rubble. 

Biden is responsible for the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and part of Syria. Biden has enabled Saudi Arabia's attack on Yemen. Ukranie's attack on its former Russian provinces and Israel's destruction of Palestine.

Although an affluent country, Israel is our largest foreign aid beneficiary and spends its U.S. taxpayer allowance indulging the gargantuan financial appetites of our weapons industry and colluding with our imperial war machine.

Israel has repeatedly attacked and invaded all its contiguous neighbors, ever-protected from international sanctions by U.S. vetoes in the U.N. Security Council. Under the U.N. Charter armed aggression is permissible only for self-defense and Israel has never been invaded. Menachim Begin admitted in 1982 that Israel’s 1967 war was pre-emptive. The 1973 war was fought in the Sinai and Golan Heights, not in Israel, when Egypt and Syria attempted to regain their lands seized in 1967.

Three recordings show Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and defense minister Ehud Barak discussing their plans to invade Iran. 

To get an insight into how ruthless and brazen the neocons became during the George W. years, just watch this video of General Wesley Clarke talking about the war plans circulating in the Pentagon, orders handed down from the White House.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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