13th Nov 2022

Tell Me Again, About the 'Good ol' Days'

Here in America like I'm sure it is in every other country, patriotism runs high. Growing up I can remember when they'd play the national anthem I'd get a lump in my throat and I'd get all choked up. Like I'm sure many people do during the playing of their anthem. This is called nationalism and we are all guilty victims to it's influence. All of my life I have heard about these so-called 'good-old-days' and I have often wondered, when was this? 

When were these so-called 'good-old-days' any ways? Was it when we were butchering and raping the Native Americans and robbing them of their land and natural resources? Or did the good old days come a little bit later when we were importing slave labor because white people are too lazy to bring in their own crops? Or was it when we imported the Chinese and Irish to build our railroads for us? Or were the good old days during the Civil War when American killed American? If the good old days weren't in the 1700 or 1800 hundreds than when? Was it during the roaring twenties when women and blacks could not vote in this country? We're those the good old days, you speak of? Or how about the 30's and 40's during the great depression, were those the good old days? Please, I'm being honest here, when were these good old days I keep hearing about? When did they happen? Was it in the 1950's when we were torturing the Koreans and the KKK still lynched people, on a regular basis? Or was it during the '60's and 70's? Was it when we dumped Agent Orange on the Vietnamese? When one president was murdered in the streets and another President had to step down in disgrace? Was the good old days when OPEC cut us off and people had to line up just to buy gas? When unemployment and inflation ran wild or was it when Ronald Reagan shipped our jobs overseas with his so-called 'Free Trade'? Blew up the national debt and traded weapons for hostages with terrorist in what would become known as the Iran-Contra Affair

Hum, I'm really trying to figure out when these good old days were and we are already up to the 1980's with no luck and it's pretty much down hill from here. Clinton would call his fellow Americans "Super Predators" and thanks to Clinton's crime bill, America now locks up more of our own citizen than Russia and China combined. Prisoners are part of the work force in America and are often forced into what amounts to slave labor. Bush took over and we were attacked on 9/11 to fulfill the Project for the New American Century and build the New World Order his daddy spoke of. Bush quicly sank the country into national debt, stripped Americans of their rights under the Patriot Act, looted the banks like his dad did to the S&L's, illegally attacked Iraq, crashed the economy sending us into what is now called the Great Recession and the Forever Wars. So unless you are a sick twisted racist piece of shit there never really were any good old days in this country, it's just mere propaganda we were all fed. READ MORE: You've Lied So Many Times That I Can Not Believe A Word You Say

Obama refused to prosecute any of Bush's war crimes or to hold the big banks accountable after bailing out their bad business practices. Obama and Trump both immorally kept interest rates at zero to reward rich borrowers on Wall Street and penalizers savers. Trump came in and gave the Super Rich a tax cut, kissed Saudi Arabia's asshole and made us all look bad. Like any one can buy America's values or morals, they are for sale, for a few dollars, like some cheap hooker. How can we tell the world that torture is wrong and illegal when we are guilty of much worse? And our leaders brag about it? There never were any good old days in America and there never will be either. It's a con job to keep you in line. More pie in the sky for you to chase after. Don't be a fool, don't believe their lies, big, small or otherwise. 

Wait, we haven't even got to the Biden Crime Family, yet. Or how Trump's so-called friends are cutting oil production to raise the price of gas on Americans or how American CEO's are laying off workers all to help Trump's reelection bid in 2024 because they fear they will have to pay their fare share in taxes after all of their free rides. But, shit, wait, you already know about all of this, because you're stuck living it and dreaming about the good old days that never were and never will be. Suckers! Now get back to work, before you're all fired. Or else!

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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