14th Aug 2022

Trump wanted the FBI to Raid Mar-a-Lago

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Hi, I'm just an observer like you. I do not have a dog in this race, meaning I have no bias. I hate Trump just as much as I hate Biden, Obama and Hillary. My backround is different from yours so I see things from a different perspective. I see things that other people don't, won't or can't see.

For instance, if Trump really wanted those 15 boxes that the FBI just removed from Mar-a-Lago why didn't he put them on a plane and send them to Saudi Arabia and have his good friend MBS hold onto them for him- didn't Trump just do MBS a bigly favor by hosting that golf tournament? 

READ MORE: Trump defends hosting Saudi-backed golf tournament by falsely claiming 'nobody's gotten to the bottom of 9/11' (NBC News)

Truth is Trump knew they would come for those 15 boxes because Trump signed the law while he was in office. Trump has also been in contact with the office that handles this and had returned some items. So he knew damn well that if he didn't return everything that they would come and get them. And this my friends is exactly what Trump wanted.

READ MORE: Trump this year had to return 15 boxes of documents that were improperly taken from the White House, the National Archives and Records Administration, or NARA, said in February.

Trump's been teasng a third run at the White House but the reception has been a bit chilly with the J-6 hearings going on, even Trump's own base realized they'd be better off with someone younger and with less baggage, like Ron DeSantis, maybe. 

READ MORE: Republicans saw Trump's end finally looming. Then the FBI gave his message a jolt of life. (USA Today)

A Republican strategist who advises a Trump rival told Politico this week. The FBI raid has “completely handed (Trump) a lifeline.”

“Unbelievable,” he said. “It put everybody in the wagon for Trump again. It’s just taken the wind out of everybody’s sails.”

Trump knew he needed to rally support and the best way to do that was to look like the victim of some overreaching out-of-control government. He could even use this publicity to claim it was all politically motivated to keep him from running in 2024.


So, why didn't Trump just return the boxes? We know he didn't really plan on keeping them or he would have moved them to a secure location, right? He wouldn't leave them at his own residence, would you? So Trump had no plans on keeping them. So then why didn't he just return them. That would've been simple and required no publicity. After all who would want to admit to stealing from the White House? But Trump didn't need to worry about his supporters turning on him because they love him the same way that Jim Jones followers loved him. The same way that Jim Jones portrayed himself as a victim of government so does Trump. 

READ MORE: A top cult-expert just claimed far-right churches & Fox News are using the same mind-control methods that were used by Jim Jones, the Moonies, Scientology & NXIVM. (Podast)

Nothing makes Trump's supporters more sure of Trump's virtues than the government going after him. It makes Trump look like a saint among saints because his supporters can then say look at everything they've thrown at him and if any of it were actually true wouldn't Trump be in jail, by-now? 

Of course this logic makes no sense or you could say the same thing about any former president. Take Obama as an example, Trump said he sent investigators to Hawaii who had uncovered Obama's real birth certificate. Since none of what they threw at Obama stuck I guess the MAGA's can now conclude that none of it was real and Obama is a saint among saints, right? Same twisted logic.  

READ MORE: Trump Sends Investigators to Hawaii, Gains in GOP Presidential Primary Poll (Fox News)

Or maybe, just maybe both Obama and Trump are as crooked as the day is long and they've treated the American public like mushrooms feeding you manure and keeping you in the dark. Maybe the rank-and-file democrats fell hook, line and sinker for Obama the same way that most republicans fell hook, line and sinker for Trump? Maybe you all have been decieved. tricked, conned and bamboozled. 

Let us look at the facts. Before Obama was elected to be President the democrats had claimed they would end the war-of-terror and bring the troops home if only they won the congress. Then they claimed they needed the Senate and then they claimed they needed the White House to get the job done. But after giving the democrats all of this, everything they wanted, they didn't end the wars at all instead Obama ordered a surge in Afghanistan and expanded the war-of-terror into Libya, Syria and Yemen. 

Those are the facts. It's not some conspiracy theory. It is exactly what happened. They lied to you, to us, to all of us. But the protesters didn't keep protesting the war, instead they went home believing the non sense and malarkey the democrats were feeding them/us.

Same with Trump. Trump promise us he would 'drain the swamp'. Funny thing about that is if you're old enough to remember, that was also Nancy Pelosi's campaign slogan, back in the day (see video above). So how did Trump do on draining the swamp? He had four long years to get the job done, right? But, from where I'm sitting it looks like the same exact swamp as when Trump took office. No difference. The con is on and you're/we're the mark. 

READ MORE: Trump has named more ex-lobbyists to Cabinet in 3 years than Obama, Bush did in full terms: report (The Hill)

The sad thing is, not only will my fellow countrymen continue to fall for these shysters, you have also allowed the super rich to divide and conquer us all. We are literally on the brink of a civil-war where Americans will once again kill their fellow Americans. And yet you have the gall to call yourselves Christians. In my Bible, and I don't know maybe it's different in your Bible but in mine Jesus is very specific as to what makes someone a Christian. Christ taught us that anyone can love those who love them back. That's nothing special because we all do that. What makes someone a true Christian requires something special that most people can not do, and that is to love your enemies as you love yourself. 

READ MORENewsweek: When civil war breaks out in the United States again, Representative Adam Kinzinger believes it won't be reminiscent of the 19th century Civil War because it'll take the form of "targeted assassinations" and not state against state.

I'm now going to ask you to ignore your corporate masters, do not believe that everyone who hates Trump loves Hillary, Obama and/or Biden and vice versa. Actually, both republicans and democrats are corrupt and have divided 'we the people' so that they can conquer and control us. So they can enrich themselves at our expense. And I will prove this beyond any reasonable doubt.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold to these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.

The political class has lied to us so much, that we now believe that our enemies are our friends and our friends are our enemies. I can prove this beyond any reasonable doubt, if you'll give me just a little of your time. I will provide facts and only facts and I'll back those facts up with the original source(s) and link(s). 

READ MORE: United Nations Issues Warning: ‘Civil War Coming To America’ (News Punch) It’s clear that the United States is being purposely divided.

CIVIL-WAR: The C.I.A's Covert Psy-Op for You and Me 

Have you ever heard the term "divide and conquer"? Or "together we stand, divided we fall"? The first describes how threw racism, sexism, ageism, party affiliation etc. the super rich have kept the poor and middle-class in line. By making us fight each other over insignificant differences, scaps and crumbs while they laugh all the way to their off-shore bank accounts. The second, is from the Christian Bible's new testament. Look at any online forum or Twitter or Google the many articles about the up coming civil-war because that is what is comng to America as the ultimate divide and conquer, brought to you by the terrorist organization, the C.I.A.

READ MORE: US ‘closer to civil war’ than most would like to believe, new book says (The Guardian)

Anyone who divides Americans against each other should be seen as the real enemy. For no house divided against itself can stand. 

Not only are we on the brink of another civil-war in the U.S. we are also on the brink of a world war that continues to threaten to go nuclear. And no one seems to care. Everyone just goes on like this is some how normal. But it's not. 

READ MORE: The Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Revelations), revealed by Name

All Out U.S. War Plan for the Entire Middle East / World 

There already exists a de facto state of war with Russia, with Ukraine as a proxy. Media reports have also revealed the existence of a “tiger team” within the White House planning for a direct military conflict between the United States and Russia. Speaking in Warsaw, Biden declared that the war would be the start of a “new world order,” which the United States would “lead.”

READ MORE: U.S. Makes Contingency Plans in Case Russia Uses Its Most Powerful Weapons (NY Times)

Biden, Trump and Obama have all followed Bush and Cheney's deep state plans to destroy the Middle East. Before the terrorist attacks on 9/11 America tried to build an oil pipeline from Afghanistan in to Europe but the Taliban would not accept America's low ball offer. Soon after that the attacks on 9/11 occurred and next thing we knew we were at war with Afghanistan and the Taliban for the next 20 years. Similiar to when the C.I.A. overthrew Iran's democratically elected government and installed the Shah, to insure our oil companies below fair market value on Iran's natural resources. 

READ MORE: Is It Time To Revisit The Trans-Caspian Pipeline Plan? (Oil Price)

The idea was to stop Russia from becoming Europe's gas station and the new Saudi Arabia, but Russia built their own oil pipeline through Ukraine in to Germany called Nordstream. This did not slow down the American oligarchs who tried to then build their own pipeline from Israel, through Syria and Turkey and into Europe but Syria refused, said they'd build their own pipeline into Europe. And this is when Obama attacked Libya and Syria. 

READ MORE: Israel-Turkey gas pipeline discussed as European alternative to Russian energy (Reuters)

Russia and China came to Syria's defence knowing that after Syria and Iran they would be next. This pissed off America's warmongers more than anything as they could not remove Assad from Syria or build their pipeline. While at the same time Russia was finishing Nordstream 2 and bringing their oil in to Europe.

Trump who was sold to us as being pro Putin/Russia quickly slammed Russia's Nordsteam 2 wth sanctions. 

READ MORE: Trump Imposes Sanctions To Stop Nord Stream 2 – But It’s Too late (Forbes)

Those are the facts. It's not some conspiracy theory. It is exactly what happened. They lied to you, to us, to all of us. It's called: 

READ MORE: Exclusive-Kazakhstan to start oil sales via Azeri pipeline to bypass Russia (Reuters)


America’s hegemonic military agenda has reached a dangerous threshold: The assassination of IRG General Soleimani ordered by Donald Trump in early January was tantamount to an Act of War against Iran.

Israel’s diabolical objective is “To Take Out” Palestine, with the support of the US, as part of “The Greater Israel Project”.

From Peace Dividend: 1992 … The Promise

For America itself, freed from the burden of military competition with the Soviet Union, it was suggested that the country and its citizens would be the beneficiaries of a “peace dividend”. All that money that had been going to making war machinery and keeping the military on high alert against the threat of annihilation, could now be directed to a renewal of the American Dream and making America truly the greatest nation in history.

Unfortunately, there were other powerful individuals who had a different idea.

The empire builders, America's oligarchs weren’t going to take a back seat. They had a plan. It wasn’t even a secret plan. It was published on the internet and in political journals as the Project for the New American Century, and in books such as The Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski. America was declared the “exceptional” nation, chosen by destiny to lead the world into the new era of Pax Americana.

The strategy of the warmongers was simple. If you don’t have an enemy, create enemies. If you don’t have a war, start one or two or as many as you can handle at any given time. There are always some bad people out there. But the list of enemies even included former friends. We used to give Osama bin Laden millions in military aid. We funded Saddam Hussein, even provided him with chemical weapons so he could gas his own people. We had a black site deal with Syria and used to hire their security guys to torture people. We hated Gaddafi, then we were okay with Gaddafi, then we hated him again and had him killed. We loved Russia during the 90s when our capitalists were looting the country. Now we hate them. So we overthrew the legitimate government of Ukraine to drive a wedge between Russia and Europe. Putin is a new Hitler! The media will do whatever it takes to panic the American public and fire up the war machine.

To get an insight into how ruthless and brazen the neocons became during the George W. years, just watch this video of General Wesley Clarke talking about the war plans circulating in the Pentagon, orders handed down from the White House.

Seven countries, Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, then finally Iran — this list should sound very familiar — all targeted for overthrow.

It was exactly what Dwight Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address as president:

“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.”

To get us to go along with their self-serving and sociopathic agendas, they lied to us, took hundreds of billions — trillions — of our tax dollars under completely false pretenses, then wasted our money buying military junk we don’t need to fight wars that never had to have happened.

The peace dividend was buried under mountains of debt and dead bodies.

The U.S. government is extraditing Julian Assange in order to put him on trial for publicizing a video of U.S. troops committing war crimes in Iraq.

The US government has spent the last decade pursuing Assange while failing to pursue any of the war crimes by U.S. military personnel that Assange and WikiLeaks revealed in 2010.

Documents and videos about the Iraq and Afghan wars that WikiLeaks released in 2010, include footage of a U.S. helicopter killing [and laughing about] civilians in Baghdad.

If we allow the US to declare war on those who tell the truth, we have only ourselves to blame.

NATO is essentially going to war with Russia through a proxy and arming that proxy. War means war.

READ MORE: On U.S. Foreign Policy, the New Boss Acts a Lot Like the Old One (The New York Times)

The proxy war in Ukraine is emerging increasingly openly as a war between Russia and NATO, threatening to spill over into a war throughout the European continent. The United States has worked to systematically destroy any prospect of a peaceful settlement of the war and is instead doing everything to fan the flames to instigate the conflict.

READ MORE: Exclusive: Secret CIA training program in Ukraine helped Kyiv prepare for Russian invasion

The aims being pursued increasingly openly by the United States in this war inevitably involve the expansion of the conflict. There is nothing left of the fiction that the United States and NATO are not at war with Russia. In pursuit of regime change, the dismemberment of Russia and the plundering of its vast resources, American imperialism is risking nuclear war.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken raised in a Senate briefing the prospect that “Ukrainians should take actions that go beyond their borders”—clearly referring to attacks on Russian territory.


Pelosi recently visited Taiwan trying to provoke an attack by China, America is also trying to provoke North Korea to attack South Korea by running continuous live military drills on their borders. America is also trying to provoke Iran to attack Israel by targeted assassinations.

READ MORE: War with China Thinking Through the Unthinkable (Rand Corp)

Truth is treason in an Empire of Lies, because you can't tell the truth about what the government is doing. 

It's capitalism for the poor and socialism for the wealthy. The rich get richer, and the poor get children. The U.S. oligarchs get the public investment and privatize the profits. They get to write our laws (lobbysit), bribe officials to pass those laws (PAC's), seat conservative judges to uphold those laws. Crash the economy and get the taxpayer bailout(s).

The Republicans and Democrats are crooks and criminals who use the ballot box to hold onto power. America is being looted by war profiteers and promise makers.

Republicans and Democrats have DENIED YOU a safe place to live. DENIED YOU a decent education. DENIED YOU affordable housing. Stole over $25 trillion with nothing to show for it. CAN'T fix the HWYS or WIN a war. Now they WANT four more years, are you dumb enough to support this??

And with everything that is wrong and going on in the world today, what are Americans most worried about? Fucking Donald Trump, gimme a fucking break, would ya'?

Voting got us into this mess. Voting sure as he'll won't get us out of it. 


BusinessInsider: Trump's initially 'upbeat' mood about the FBI's Mar-a-Lago raid turned dark when GOP support began to wane, report says

Former President Donald Trump was initially "upbeat" about the FBI raid of his Mar-a-Lago residence, but his mood at times turned dark when GOP support started waning, according to a report.

Sources told The Washington Post that Trump believed the FBI raid would benefit him as it looked like the Justice Department had overreached.

"He feels it's a political coup for him," one friend who had spoken with the former president multiple times told The Post, speaking under the condition of anonymity.

Trump believed the raid would cause Republicans to rally around him, the report says, and would create more support for a potential presidential bid in 2024.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold to these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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