20th Jul 2022

You Say That You Want a Revolution

You say you support the U.S. Constitution, yet you only know one amendment the Second. Our problem is NOT gun control it's the control of our government through lobbyist. To regain control of our government we must end corporate control, Make lobbying illegal. Demand term limits. Take our country back and DEMAND FREE ELECTIONS!

You say that you want a revolution, but I'm here to call bullshit. A real revolution is never fought at the ballot box. Had America's founding fathers fought like today's militias we'd all still be subjects of the crown. Anyone who divides Americans against each other should be seen as the real enemy. For if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. -Mark 3:25-27 (KJV) 25

So how's that Second Amendment working out for you anyways? Did it stop greedy corporations from moving our jobs overseas? Did it stop the politicians in both parties from selling out to special interest, lobbyist or overseas dark money? 


Are you telling us that your guns protected you from greedy politicians sending your jobs overseas or from illegal immigration? So, what happened when the election was allegedly stole did all of your guns protect you then? NO! So shut the fuck up, you lie like a rug!

You told us about fake FEMA camps, fake birth certificates, staged mass shootings and crisis actors and rigged voting machines but you have no proof, you never do! It's just lies, lies and more lies. And no one's buying it any more. READ MORE: Donald Trump's History of Raising Birther Questions About President Obama (ABC News) and Trump Sends Investigators to Hawaii (Fox News)

You told us about Pizzagate a debunked online conspiracy that claims hundreds of celebrities are involved in an underground pedophilia ring. You're wrong again. Get your facts straight or continue to look like the clown you've become. 

You haven't got over it, you're still flying confederate flags. Let's be real. America is destined to be a christo-fascist republic, and not even the genocide of our children will stop that. 

Religious fundamentalists have always attached themselves to secular power centers. That unholy alliance has led to some of the most brutal regimes and countless crimes.

Just remember that even as the Democrats call for gun control, they advocate for an even larger military and even more wars abroad. It's not just the Christian nationalists that are the problem here. READ MORE: Biden's Military Budget 2023

America Inc. is first and foremost the number one arms manufacturer, seller and distributor on the planet. America Inc. also has the largest, best trained, well-equipped military on the planet. Their motto: "The Marines: When it absolutely positively has to be destroyed overnight." They don't even hide it any more.

America runs a media empire that masquerades as free and independent. Whenever the MSM deviates from the party line their advertisers threaten to pull ads creating corporate censorship of every medium with advertising. Hence the reason Google monetized the internet, censorship.

America Inc.'s greed knows no bounds. America is the great harlot of Revelations drunk from the death of the martyrs and four dead in Ohio. Making the nations of the world drunk with her sins and corruption. Destroying everything in her path. Fornicating with every nation on earth.

The CIA was terrified, foresaw three Kennedy's back-to-back in the White House so they killed JFK and blamed Fidel. Overthrew the United States of America, kept the military industrial complex and the Vietnam "conflict" well-funded and everyone got paid. Then they killed Bobby.

When Iran wouldn't play ball and give our oil corporations below fair market value prices the CIA overthrew the democratically elected government and installed the Shah. Remember? If not look it up, you have a search engine, right? I don't get paid to wipe your butt for you, okay?

America is a nation of sheep that will do whatever they are told like a well-trained seal. Corporations allow citizens within America every few years, to choose between two puppets to explain the corporations' decisions and policies to the masses. This somehow placates people.

America Inc. also runs the largest penal prison slave colony on the planet. Incarcerating more of its own citizens than any other country in the world. Providing slave labor to corporations like Starbucks and Verizon for 000.06 cents an hour.

Our silence has been construed as our consent to become beneficiaries of a debt we did not incur. The Sovereign People have been deceived for hundreds of years into thinking they remain free and independent, when in actuality we continue to be slaves of the corporation.

We will lose more unless we turn away from a democracy that is the direct road to disaster — and restore our Constitutional Republic.

Our children deserve their rightful legacy, the liberty our ancestors fought so hard to give to us. Will we remain silent telling ourselves we are free and perpetuate the MYTH? Or do we stand as One Sovereign People, and take back what has been stole from our Republic?

We are the first nation to declare equal rights and freedoms for all under the U.S. Constitution yet declaring those rights on a paper contract and actually having the rights of freedom and equality for all has never occurred, by design.

Despite the seemingly altruistic intentions outlined in the US Constitution, the United States is actually now a series of inter-connecting legal entities structured as a corporation, granting dubious powers to the Federal government and other ‘governing entities.’

Requiring people to vote on a Tuesday is the last vestige of the poll tax. The fact is that single working moms, people with two jobs can’t vote on Tuesday, a working day. Ensuring that all Americans have the opportunity to vote on a weekend is the last mile in that long journey begun in Selma. -Dr King

America's NOT capitalist! Farm, auto, bank BAILOUTS, QE, crony capitalism, tax cuts for profitable corporations, deregulating polluters, subsidies for the super rich and that was BEFORE the VIRUS. That is NOT capitalism is it? HELL NO, it is WELFARE FOR THE RICH!

The government claims to have provided $6 trillion in relief since the pandemic started BUT where is it? Where did all of that money go? Can you see $6 trillion anywhere? New cars, new buildings, do your neighbors have new clothes? Credit cards all paid off, rent paid? WHERE DID $6 trillion go? READ MORE: Billionaires won big with the coronavirus stimulus (Salon) and Why the Trillion-Dollar Coronavirus Bailout Benefited the Rich (Time)

DO NOT believe your corporate masters that everyone who hates Trump loves Hillary and vise versa, NO your whole fucking system is corrupt and you have been divided and conquered because you're that fucking stupid.


About the riots in DC on January 6th, you knew that Donald Trump was a snake when you refused to impeach him, why act surprised now when Trump tries to bite you?

Trump gave them permission to blame everyone else for their problems instead of taking responsibility themselves. And you should fear 'them'...they'll take everything away from you...even your cows and your cars...and your guns...and all your freedoms. Trump traffics in fear.

Trump traffics in fear, misinformation, conspiracy theories, lies and threats....and it works. It gets people's attention. I mean, how is it possible for Trump's polling numbers to be in the 40% range when the entire country is completely destroyed?

It's the Black Lives Matter movement that's to blame for all your problems (not you); It's the 'deep state' to blame for everything, not your fault...you didn't know any better...how could you...it's a well-funded secret government designed to undermine everything you do not your fault.

Biden, Trump and Obama have all followed Bush and Cheney's deep state plans to destroy the Middle East, Russia and China to build their own oil pipeline from Syria into Europe and keep Russia from becoming the new Saudi Arabia. While choking China and denying them oil.

Didn't the democrats promise to END THE WARS back in 2006 if only they controlled the congress, then it was the senate and then it was the White House and YET democrats ended nothing. Obama expanded the wars into Libya, Syria, Yemen and now we're happily marching into Ukraine!

BUT please do not just take my word for it GO look up General WESLEY CLARK 7 NATIONS IN 5 YEARS and see for yourselves. Americans have been tricked and conned into a covert operation run by the CIA. Bush, Obama, Trump & Biden-Harris are working together. Wesley Clark Told The Truth: YouTube

Everything else is PURE FICTION created by the CIA to distract, confuse and subjugate. 

Joe Biden did vastly more than just vote for the Iraq war. Biden was chair of the Senate committee on foreign relations and argued strongly in favor of the 2002 resolution granting President Bush the authority to invade Iraq.

Biden said “That’s a real tough decision. That’s why I get paid the big bucks. That’s why I get the limos and you don’t. I mean this sincerely; I’m not trying to be flip.” Biden asked then-CIA Director Tenet what evidence of WMDs the U.S. had “None, Senator,” Tenet said.

Democrats are now holding hearings headed by Dick Cheney's daughter. The rank and file think that Trump and family are headed to a prison cell but Trump knew otherwise: From Feb. 2021: Trump to tell CPAC he is Republican 'presumptive 2024 nominee' – report

Slow and dumb democrats with visions dancing in their dead heads of Trump family going to prison and/or being kicked out of politics BUT never doing anything to make it happen. Have you never seen a horror flick? When you don't kill the monster it comes back worse than before. Ya' know like 2024! READ MORE: Trump Says Decision to Run in 2024 Is 'Already Made' and Now He's Weighing When to Announce Candidacy (People)

Speaking with New York Magazine, Trump indicated he has already made a decision to launch a 2024 campaign but has not determined when to make his announcement. Trump signaled he is weighing an announcement either before or after the midterm elections in November.

For all of you dumb sons of bitches that think Trump & family are going to prison, answer me this WHY are BUSH & CHENEY STILL FREE? Because you're a big fat pussy that won't do a damn thing even when your own leaders are fucking WAR CRIMINALS.

What have I done? You have no clue who you're talking to, the prosecutor for Charles Manson wrote a book on how and why to arrest Bush & Co. At the end of Bush's term in office Bush took a trip to Canada where we attempted taking him into custody, he hasn't made one overseas trip since. READ MORE: Protests greet Bush's first speech as ex-president (Reuters) and The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder (Wikipedia)

I helped to end Aartheid in South Africa and get Nelson Mandela freed from prison by starting the boycotts now known as BDS (boycott, divest and sanctions).

My Vote Strike movement helped to spawn the Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party, People's Party and Black Lives Matter movements. READ MORE: Call for a General Strike Gaining Huge Momentum (Op Ed News)

And in 2011 and again in 2013, I helped to coordinate hunger strikes in protest of inhuman and degrading conditions of confinement in California's state run prison system.The hunger strikes also spurred successful litigation that would ultimately end the use of long-term solitary confinement in California.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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