30th Oct 2023

You've Got it All Backwards... Assange Was Not Arrested for Any Crime(s) he Committed...

By C. Rice

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It's like something from Alice in Wonderland and I'm at the Mad Hatters tea party. Hi, I'm an American and I'll have to admit that I haven't travelled much and I personally do not know any Jews or any Palestines nor have I ever met any, to my knowledge. I mention this because there's a war about to erupt between the two that is also a battle of words. And they say that the truth is the first casualty in war. Since I'm not invested in either side I don't really care about their troubles because I have my own. But I do care about the truth. But what is the truth?

Today we're told that the Palestines 'do not believe that Israel has a right to exist' but the opposite is the truth. It was the Palestines who first sold the land to the Jews and agreed that the Jews could settle the land. It was the Jews who built settlements on Palestine land, brought in bulldozers and told the Palestines that they had no right to exist. The Palestine women and children that are being bombed by Israel today are not Hamas, they are not terrorists, they are civilians. And attacking civilians, cutting off water, food and medicine is illegal and are all war crimes, regardless which side commits them. Our leaders, on both sides, are war criminals! 

Biden is responsible for the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and part of Syria. Biden has enabled Saudi Arabia's attacks on Yemen. Ukranie's attack on its former Russian provinces and Israel's destruction of Palestine.

Israel kills large numbers of Palestinian civilians each day — and clearly intends to kill many thousands more. READ MORE: Joe Biden's lethal trap: His embrace of Israel has become support for war crimes and Biden is a WAR CRIMINAL and Netanyahu Shows Map of ‘New Middle East’—Without Palestine—to UN General Assembly and Lindsey Graham Appears to Greenlight Mass Murder of Palestinians

Truth be told, Trump didn't have Julian Assange the head of Wikileaks arrested for anything that Mr Assange has done but for what big oil and the military industrial complex have planned...

What is the plan the war mongers don't want you to know about? A nuclear war is being readied between Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and the US (see Sources below). The US will be nuked, it's already been planned. The US will be sacrificed, turned into rubble, with huge debt and no industry, America will be turned into a third world country, right before our eyes. But do not worry because the oligarchs, the super rich will reestablish as the United States of Israel right after Israel nukes their neighbors back to the stone ages. READ MORE: Air Force general predicts war with China in 2025 and Yinon Plan

Both Biden and Trump are big oil's and the military industrial complex's bitch. Trump allowed a reporter to be butchered because the killers buy a lot from our military industrial complex and oh yeah, they also have a lot of oil. Gee whiz how desperate are we, Mr President? Can I also piss on your face, if I buy a lot of hotel suites from Trump Tower? Looks like Biden is also okay with the murder of journalist and the imprisonment of another, Mr Assange. See, no difference. Same crooks running the show whether you vote republican or democrat. Same failed drug wars, same failed public education, same worsening debt, same failed overseas wars, same torture at Gitmo, same corruption, same failed domestic policies, same swamp, same business-as-usual! The thugs (republicans) and criminals (democrats) are still there, still in power, as brutal as ever.

You as a citizen have two choices, one, you can bend over and kiss your ass goodbye while the super rich rape and plunder what's left of our country or you can say enough is enough. You can rise up and stop being a mouse and instead you can be a man. A man with purpose, with reason, with determination. Or you can just continue living as a drone doing what you are told. Believing whatever they tell you to believe. READ MORE: No More Blood for Oil

For more information visit www.dontextraditeassange.com.

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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Sources: In 2018, under the supervision of Secretary of Defense James Mattis, the US declared in its national security strategy that “Great power competition—not terrorism—is now the primary focus of US national security.”

The document codified what had in fact for years been the dominant concept in Pentagon planning: that the US military should focus on preparations to fight a war with Russia and China. To this end, the Obama administration had already initiated a more than one trillion-dollar expansion of the US nuclear arsenal, a plan continued and intensified under Trump and now Biden. 

SourceStatement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the President's Fiscal Year 2024 Budget See also: Biden administration proposes larger defense budget to counter China, Russia

SourceSpecial Report: In modernizing nuclear arsenal, U.S. stokes new arms race See also: Department of Defense Releases its 2022 Strategic Reviews – National Defense Strategy, Nuclear Posture Review, and Missile Defense Review A lengthier classified version was submitted to the US Congress, which includes the Pentagon’s detailed proposals for a massive increase in military spending. Open preparations by the US for direct military confrontation with Russia and China.

SourceA Return to Permanent War Is Here: First It Will Bankrupt America, Then Destroy It By Chris Hedges

READ MORE: Malaysia’s Mahathir says US seeking to provoke war in Taiwan (AP News)

READ MORE: War with China Thinking Through the Unthinkable (Rand Corp)

READ MORE: Exclusive: Secret CIA training program in Ukraine helped Kyiv prepare for Russian invasion

Clearly, what is being prepared is a level of mass killing far beyond the bloodbaths carried out in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and elsewhere.