8th Nov 2022

You've Lied So Many Times That I Can Not Believe A Word You Say

The lies didn't start with weapons of mass destruction but both Republicans and Democrats have lied to us so many times that I can not believe anything that they say. I, mean, how can I? Once you lie, why would I trust you? You know the old saying, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! 

Now, for the weak minded, let me be crystal fucking clear about everything that I say to you because after all of their bullshit they got the New York Times to run an article claimng that WMD were found in Iraq. So, let me dispense with your alternative realities because the issue never was about WMD or yellow cake, the issue was and always will be this: was Saddam Huessin a clear, credible and present threat to the United States of America? But wait a second, because even if he was and he was not but even if Saddam was a threat, preemptive attacks are illegal ever since they were used by Nazi Germany. Most importantly, Saddam and/or Iraq never were a threat to the U.S. and what the Republicans and Democrats did to Iraq amounts to war crimes (which do not have a statue of limitations) that they should be prosecuted for.

Also, this was Bidens war just as much as it was Bush's war. Just look at the record, I have no reason to lie to you because you have a search engine and I have no advertisers or dogs in this race. Meaning, I do not support any candidates or political parties.

We also learned not to trust the main stream media as they are in bed with the very corporations that bought off our political system and changed our Republic from a democracy to an oligarchy. The main stream media has lied to us so many times that I can not believe a word they say.

But now the very people who claim to be patriots, truth seekers and claim to be our saviours from tyranny are as it turns out, the biggest liars of them all.

I mean before any information was even available about the attack on Paul Pelosi the rumors starting flying. And Twitters new owner was retweeting and amplifying the rumors. These so called Patriots tell us that they are Christians, defenders of the Constitution and free speech. But none of it is the truth. Christians are warned against spreading rumors, Christians are admonished to love their enemies, not to attack the victims. But that's what Americans do though isn't it? If you're raped in America you know they will blame you, the victim and not the rapist. It will be all about what you were wearing and how much you had to drink and how many relationships you had in the past as if any of that should even matter. In Ameria there is no justice, none. But those who claim to be for us, the MAGA Americans have lied to us so many times that nothing they say should be trusted. I can not believe a word that they say.

In the Pelosi case what did they do? They tried to blame the victim. No one showed any concern for Paul or his well-being, did they? And that's not very Christian of you. The MAGA crowds only concern was how this would make them look. But look at how they acted, they act just like the guy with the hammer. They are consumed by hate. The Bible refers to them as lovers of lies and fake Christians, the ones called the very elect who are deceived. 

Why did stimulus payments, pandemic unemployment benefits and eviction protections all end while Democrats hold both the Congress and the White House, while 8.7 million workers were still unemployed and the Delta variant raged across the U.S.? Is the economy really doing as good as they claim or is it because that politicians really don't give a rats ass about you or your family and the only real reason for the stimulus was to achieve the FED's goal of raising inflation?

I'm not really asking you a question because I already know the answer. I'm also not saying that Trump or Biden is any better than the other because they're not, they are the same. I know that this is too hard for you to swallow because you've allowed yourselves to be divided and conquered which is exactly what they want. A house divided can not stand. And the only thing these crooks fear is a united well informed populace. Once you are divided and fighting amongst yourselves you are manageable and no longer a threat to the powers that be. They now have you right where they want you, American against American, believing that your side are the good guys. When nothing could be further from the truth.

The proof to these facts is insurmountable. Biden is not only responsible for helping Bush launch an attack against Iraq when Iraq obviously had nothing to do with 9/11 and had never even attacked the U.S. Biden is also responsible for numerous war crimes while keeping Gitmo open even after declaring that the war is over.

Biden is responsible for the destruction of Yugoslavia and Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and part of Syria. Biden has enabled Saudi Arabia's attack on Yemen. Ukranie's attack on its former Russian provinces and Israel's destruction of Palestine. 

Trump claims to be an outsider, come to save us from a run away corrupt establishment but talk is cheap. While both Greece and Turkey who don't have half of the resources of the U.S. were able to build border walls to keep Afghans from flooding their borders with refugees after the Taliban takeover, Trump had four years and couldn't even build half of a wall. While Trump ripped up the Iran nuclear deal he could of just as easily done the same thing with NAFTA forcing all of those runaway industries to close up shop in Mexico and come home but he didn't. Instead he updated and renamed NAFTA to USMCA so that Ford, GM and the rest of the American companies could continue operating in Mexico, business as usual and laugh all the way to their offshore bank accounts. Trump also promised to "drain the swamp" but instead Trump hired more lobbyist to run the government than Bush and Obama combined.

Rally after rally Trump promised his supporters that if they got into any trouble on his behalf that he'd send a team of his own lawyers to fight for them. But defendant after defendant from the January 6th riot has not seen any help of any kind from Trump and company.

But Americans have no use for facts as they would much rather accept lies and bullshit than have to get off of their own fat asses and do something themselves. After all it's much easier to believe that one of these crooks is here to save us because that absolves you from any responsibility as a citizen, right? Now all that you have to do is piss and moan on the internet that the other side is corrupt. And claim that voting fulfills your obligations as a citizen but it doesn't. Your responsibility as a citizen is to stay informed and vigilant. Instead when someone tells you what you want to hear you believe them whole heartily with no proof required. Trump promised you that he'd lower the national debt and instead America's debt exploded under Trump but you could care less. Even though Trump promised you a wall and never delivered you blame everyone but Trump. This list is endless and it is the same for Biden.

Biden promised to end for-profit detention centers, promised to increase access to affordable housing, promised a humane solution to the flood of immigrants on our southern border, promised to end federal subsidies to companies responsible for global warming, promised to increase the federal minimum wage to $15. an hour, promised to ban the manufacture and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, promised to end the online sale of firearms and ammunition and this list of broken promises goes on and on. But you just don't care. You will eagerly line up like trained seals every two and four years, enter a voting booth and believe that you are fulfilling your civic duty while this country gets robbed and ruined, while you and your family are worse off than ever before. And instead of taking responsibility that you have failed miserably as a citizen, you will simply blame the other side and blame everyone except yourself, right?

You believe that voting affords you the best form of government on the planet but don't they also vote in Russia? You believe that the right to bear arms saves you from tyranny but did all of your guns keep your jobs from moving overseas? Did the U.S Constitution or Bill of Rights keep your boss or landlord from walking all over your rights? Americans spend ten times what any other country in the world spends on the military but are you safe from crime, rape or murder? In many other countries it is actually safe to walk down the street at night but in America it's not even safe in broad daylight. Crime runs rampant in America. You believe that America is the richest country on the planet but why then do so many Americans go to bed hungry? God gave you a brain so why not use it?

I'm not really asking you a question because I already know the answer. So, if you don't mind I'll ask another. Did the slaves get to live the American dream? America locks up more of its own citizens than any other country on the planet, including Russia and China. Are the prisoners living the American dream? In America 1 in 5 women are raped, are they living the American dream? Over 10% of Americans live in poverty are they enjoying this American dream? And why do you believe that only Americans can own their own homes or businesses? Why don't you think that anyone else would dare to dream so big? Are you really that vain and conceited?

Again, I'm not really asking you a question because I already know the answer. Americans do not own guns because they fear some overseas threat, Americans own guns because they are afraid of their own neighbors and politicians. But what good has owning all of those guns ever done for you anyways? While home invasions do occur, most break-ins take place while you are on vacation or at work which means the person breaking into your home will also get to steal your guns. But why let facts get in the way of your arguments, right?

Look here old chum, I'm not here to take a dump in your Cheerios, someone else has already done that. And I obviously don't have a dog in this race so I'm also not here to tell you that you need to vote against this or that candidate. In America it's less about voting for someone than it is about voting against someone else. I'm also not interested in getting your panties in a bunch or twisting your nipples up even though I probably have. You and me, like it or not, are in the same boat. I call it the ship of fools. We can continue to piss and moan 'till the cows come home but that really hasn't got us anywhere, now has it? I'm also not here to sell you anything or to beg for donations or I would have sugar coated this article like a greasy politician, right? You're free to buy whatever you want which usually means toxic crap made in China from Walmart or Amazon. You can also throw your money away on lotteries and casinos which is really just a tax on the stupid because casinos weren't built on winners, were they?

When I wrote to you 15 years ago I told you that we had to get our shit together before it was too late. Now it is too late. We can now bend over and kiss our asses goodbye. Back then the fear was a stock market crash which took place on Sept. 29, 2008. What we didn't know is that the FED would rush in with a massive $700 billion government bailout that continues up to this day. The stock market still can't stand on it's own two feet and had to be propped up by low interest rates and bond buying by the FED that amounted to $120 billion per month.

Today our worst fears are a civil war that is being advocated and pushed by both sides, a global warming catastrophe that instead of us fixing it like we did with ozone depletion we are pouring gas on the fire and more concerned with the price of a gallon of gas than with rising temperatures and melting ice caps. When we should have abandoned gas and oil altogether and stopped funding the terrorist. And, a third nuclear world war that we are openly embracing with North Korea, Iran, Russia and China. So now a stock market crash is really the least of our worries but is still hovering over us every time the FED raises the interest rate. 

You can call me every name in the book. You can shoot the messenger and stick your heads in the sand but that really won't diminish your guilt or your responsibility, will it? I'm not really asking you a question because I already know the answer. You've traded your kids future for a handful of digital gadgets. One man, Edward Snowden stood up and sacrificed his own freedom for yours and what have you done to thank him? Don't worry, I'm not really asking you a question because I already know the answer. Trying to help you is like trying to herd cats, it is a giant waste of my time.

The incomes of the wealthiest Americans these past 50 years has been flat-out unearned and undeserved. It is the largest case of redistribution of wealth in this nation's history with the exception of the original redistribution of land from the Native Americans and the wealth gained through the use of slavery. It is a redistribution of wealth from the middle-class and working poor to the super-rich. Value created by working Americans, and indeed by workers around the world, has been taxed away from the working class, not by the government, but by capital owners.

This redistribution of wealth is at the heart of the economic problems in America today, it is the root cause of the housing crisis, it is the root cause of the rise in household debt over the past few decades, it is the root cause of funding problems for Social Security and Medicare, and it is most definitely the root cause of the corruption of the American political system. As the middle-class becomes relatively less wealthy the middle-class loses political power. Income and wealth inequality always coincide with political corruption and power inequality. Not only have the wealthy, empowered by the Reagan Revolution, stolen value produced by the working class over the past 50 years, but they have taken the political power away from the middle-class as well in the process, and this is Ronald Reagan's true legacy, and it remains to be seen if America can survive the harvest of what Reagan sowed.

Do not believe your corporate masters that everyone who hates Trump loves Hillary and vise versa, No sir, your whole fucking system is corrupt and you have been divided and conquered because you're that fucking stupid. 


Our government has failed to protect the weakest amongst us. Every person in Congress, the Senate, the White house should resign effectively immediately because our national security includes the ability to provide basic protections to the people of America but the republicans and democrats cannot even do that.

Why does everyone act surprised when crazy people do crazy things? Ronald Reagan pushed all of the mentally ill out onto the streets, he basically took money from the poor and gave it to the rich. Now look at what you've got.

Republicans and Democrats both support the so-called war-on-drugs, they also both support police brutality, they also support tax cuts for the super rich, they also support deficit spending, wars overseas and the military industrial complex, they both openly support polluters and corporate financing of our elections. The real quetion is are you dumb enough to support this, too?

I'm not really asking you a question because I already know the answer.

We now live in a country in which both political parties have been bought and paid for by the elites especially the corporate elites. We have a bottom 1/3rd of our citizens including working men and women who now live in poverty because our wages for hourly paid workers have not increased by much since the 1970s. We have a healthcare system that is now totally for profit in which insurers can deny life saving treatment including treatment for kids and we have people who are going bankrupt to pay the outrageous costs of healthcare in America trying in a desperate attempt to save their credit rating from tanking from not paying their debt.

And, they won’t even let you kneel uh I mean protest. You are forced to pledge to the imperialist war mongers. You must pledge to racism, sexism, ageism, war profiteering, police brutality because you wouldn’t want to offend the baby killing troops, right?

FACT: The super rich and the political class have stole $30 trillion from you and me and have absolutely nothng to show for it. They can't win a war or even fix the roads. Now they want you to vote them in for four more years, how's that voting working for you, so far?

And, don't forget to thank Paul Ryan and Donald Trump for that $1 a week more we received in our paychecks thanks to the big tax cut they passed. I'm sure they appreciated the $8k more we paid in our returns that year.

Trump and his ilk are quick to call others "RINOs", but in reality it is Trump and his most rabid followers who are the RINOs. They have no idea what the tenants of traditional Republicanism are.

But what is done is done. You fell for the same BS again. A failed land / casino developer turned failed reality TV host starts claiming that Obama is not from Hawaii but an alien from another planet subject to deportation and you guys elect this nut job to run the country. Trump claimed he would not accept corporate money and then took all that he could get his hands on but mostly from the private prison industries and the NRA. And as soon as Trump gets elected he fills his cabinet with the same Wall Street bankers and billionaires, surprise, surprise, surprise.

All the while the gullible American voter keeps screaming that he won't get fooled again and Donald Trump is a real man of the people. Yeah, sorta like the Anti-Christ, with his own cult following of pedophiles, religious nuts, doomsayers and skin heads. Watching the pied piper bumble along with no destination or strategy in his empty head but to attack anyone and everything, is like watching a drunk swing his fist about. Like watching the death of an empire flailing about like a fish out of water. But it's easy to deceive when you own the media. Trump's best trick has been to pretend that there is a war on between him and the press, what a hoot. The mainstream media licks Donald's boots. Get your facts straight, there's never been a larger psyop ran against the American people than what is happening right now.

So wait, you actually believe that Donald was able to get all the leaks and hacks out during the campaign against Hillary. But Hillary couldn't get anything out during the campaign, about Stormy Daniels, Playboy models, illegitimate children and yet you believe that the media is at war with Donald right? Like Mel Carter says, gimme a break. 

Do yourself a favor. Think for yourself. Be your own person. Question everything. Stand for principle. Champion individual liberty and self-ownership where you can. Develop a strong moral code. Be kind to others. Do no harm, unless that harm is warranted. Pretty obvious stuff...but people who hold these things in their hearts seem to be disappearing from the earth at an accelerated rate. Stay safe, my friends. Thanks for being here.


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